Damn, another meaningfully symbolic episode title. Sounds like all talky; no shooties- no smashies again.
Last time, everyone’s still trying to get on with the gett’n on, part 2:
Noah’s hanging out in his 2nd floor basement, eating cereal, probably playing some dopey on line game. Peter tries to get him to oneofus on a mission to figure out about that damn compass that appears on his arm randomly, but Noah doesn’t feel like it, nor was he enticed with the job ads for tree product sales that Claire used to lure him back in the world of employment. After some ‘do what you love, the money/self satisfaction/chance to kick bad guy ass will follow’ speech to Tracey, he listens to his own advice and starts up his own living room wall of compass based /Who’s this speedy knife guy? research.
Tracey’s journey back to the slimy halls of power made her realize that she could do more good in the world freezing things and sloshing up kitchen drains than she could by hustling legislators. Oh yeah, she want to do something that will * help people*. (How about finding that orphaned nephew of yours? Last we saw Micah was homeless and being chased off by a delusional serial killer. He should be in school.)
Hiro learned that it’s not enough to go into the past and change events, you have to change the root cause of the events themselves. Then he hugged his sister bye bye, and blooped off into the unknown rivers of time. Nathlar had a memory about accidentally killing a girl via head wound. Finding this both frightening and familiarly comforting Mr. Honesty tells the girls mom, who explores her grief by having Nathlar shot and buried in a shallow grave. This causes him to reformat his primary drive, and Sylar pops up from the dirt. Status of data on hard drive: unknown. Unless you read the blurb below:
Samuel prepares for new additions to his family, while Lydia warns him of the consequences. Claire discovers that her roommate Gretchen may have a hidden agenda. Meanwhile, Peter finds an unexpected way to connect with Emma, who would prefer to stay distant. Elsewhere, a different side of Sylar emerges as he desperately tries to remember the person he used to be.
He got it backwards: first you rise from your grave, then you go for the brains!
And from the previews last week: Girl smoochies!!! And maybe Peter gets lucky (run, Emma, RUN!!! Peter’s last two girlfriends were shot/trapped in a plague ridden future!)
(Spoiley picture): I don’t know why he looks so pissy here, it couldn’t have hurt that much. And for the week after, not spoily: Hard core BBQ: