"He's not my President"

[quote=“dba_Fred, post:1, topic:471257”]

As I’ve often heard that sentiment about the current occupant of the office, I trust there’s not a problem with my saying that of the incoming occupant.


Hey, Rush, you should be happy to have the possibility of 4 more years of bitching and grousing! Enjoy!

My position is that after all the evidence/results of investigations and legal process I’d seen/heard/read about the Bush election controversy, despite all that, the anti-Bushers still felt “He’s not my President” was still an acceptable statement. Thus, since truth and facts didn’t get in the way of their position, why should I let them get in the way of mine?
I like pointing out hypocrisy and popping balloons.

A lot of people started saying this about the current president AFTER he had enacted policy after policy after policy that was so morally repugnant to observers that they had to distance themselves from him.

Starting a war under false pretenses.
Totally destroying the good will the world felt for us after 9/11.
Total disregard for the rule of law.

I could go on but, tell me, what has President Obama done that makes you have to distance yourself from him.

And they were as wrong as you are.

Anyone got the search chops to see how often “Bush is not my president” or a variation thereof was floated on these boards?

Not that I doubt it ever happened, I’m just curious.

Born black, if the other bigotry expressed by the OP is any indication.

I see, so since you posted your OP here, apparently you feel that specific posters on this board are hypocrites, right? Care to name some names?

Or maybe you’ve decided to label anyone who disagrees with your premise a hyprocrite, without ever establishing whether or not they’ve actually said “Bush is not my President”, is that it?

Not a very well-thought out position, if you ask me.

As soon as I saw this thread, I suspected you’d posted your OP solely so you could play the martyr card when people responded negatively to it.

The following comments:


confirmed my suspicions.

At any rate, regarding your thoughts on your new President. Eh, whatever. If it makes you feel better to say that, more power to you, I guess.

As to Prop 102, I pity you. It must be difficult to be aware that your opinions and beliefs are becoming more outdated and irrelevant as time goes on. I imagine it will only get worse for you as you watch the world change around you, without actually being a part of said change. Because, make no mistake, the change is coming, and you, and other bigots like you, will be left behind.

I didn’t call him a bigot for not supporting obama or calling him his president, I called him a bigot for supporting the denial of marriage rights to people.

If that’s your position, so be it. Don’t bother trying to justify it because people said that about W, though.

You know damn well it was said of W first because William Rehnquist got to vote for him twice, and then because he was a shitty President. Since Obama has apparently been cleanly elected, it stands to reason that you owe him at least a month or two in office before you make up your mind.

Otherwise, what the hell are you going to do if he does suck? “He’s super-dooper-triple not my President!”

you all are getting trolled hard.

Probably the butt sex.

Not very hard at all, frankly. In fact rather limp and flaccid.

I swear or affirm this was not a troll. I may have bitten off more than I can chew it that I am not explaining/defending/elaborating on my statement as well/clearly as I would hope to. There are interesting, well-thought replies/comments/remarks that I am getting to as quickly as I can.

So you can enlighten us on how you handle that problem when it arises (or doesn’t arise) in your boudoir?

Get out of MY state.

I’ll buy the coffee to discuss this with you over. :slight_smile:

I try to be precise and exact and truthful:
At this moment in time, I am not aware of any current friend or associate who is gay. I have in the past had friends and or associates who informed me that they were gay. Did it matter? No, they never put me in an uncomfortable or unacceptable situation.
I don’t spend much time considering homosexuality beyond the theoretical. It is not a behavior I would engage in. I do not/have not sought out homosexual environments, I do not/have not avoided them. I do not hate homosexuals nor would I attempt to change their sexual orientation. I’m not even sure homosexuality is a “choice”; why would a person choose a lifestyle that can have such negative repercussions?
To answer about what in particulate about gay marriage that I find problematic, in simplistic terms I would say that I don’t see it as a problem that requires a solution. The pro-gay marriage side simply didn’t persuade me to change the status quo.

Apparently, though, the anti-SSM crowd did persuade you to change the status quo. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have voted on the amendment at all.

Only if you said it was OK when they were saying it.

It was a stupid, childish, and frankly unpatriotic thing to say then.

It’s a stupid, childish, and frankly unpatriotic thing to say now.

I guess I could be, if you’re the right woman :smiley: