"He's not my President"

Because there’s something to be said for taking the high ground? Because, next time around, should a President more prone to your side of things be voted in, people will be able to say exactly what you’ve said here?

It is a vicious cycle. Deciding that the response to something you don’t like by doing it yourself just means that you’ll get to enjoy it again in the future.

OK, even if that’s remotely true, what if it’s not bigotry but a fair, reasoned belief? You don’t think it’s possible that someone, for their own reasons other than religious zeal or outright bigotry, can believe in something other than what you believe in?

Come on.

Not for nothing… and the dude may very well be a bigot… but what in the OP indicates he is a bigot?

That depends on the position one starts from.
Arizona has a law defining marriage = 1 man + 1 woman.
Courts have discarded laws regardless of the citizens’ opinions.
It is harder for a court to overturn a state’s constitution or constitutional amendment.
Therefore this particular amendment to the constitution reinforces the status quo/the current law by putting it further out of reach of an arbitrary court ruling in opposition to legislative process.

Also there is a nebulous area of reciprocity between states concerning SSM that could affect recognition/divorce/child custody, ect. So there is a can of worms I don’t see needing to be opened.

Actually I recall Paula Poundstone using it in her act after the senior President Bush was elected, to thunderous applause. She then started mocking herself–leaning over her stool and looking at the floor like a petulant child refusing to acknowledge a stepparent’s authority. It was something like thus:
"Bush is not my president.

:: pause while audience applauds thunderously::

That’s right; I’m not doing anything he says. if he wants me to do something he can get Dukakis to tell me.

::elaborately expressive sigh::

I’m a little down about it."*

dba Fred is being just as childish as she was pretending.

You would do better to stay on the porch. Around here the big dogs will eat your ass before it touches the ground.

Thank you (handshake smiley)

Prop 102 in AZ made no mention of race in gay marriages, I voted against recognition of any gay marriage, regardless of race, I’m an equal opportunity gay marriage opponent.

Racism is only one form of bigotry. Bias against homosexuals is another. There is no principled reason to oppose gays having the rights to marry one another, but plenty of dickish ones.

I don’t agree with you at all on the gay marriage thing, but I didn’t read anything racist in your OP. Which was kinda my point.

Good point. Before posting, in an effort at honesty, I I tried a search, both with SDMB and Google and did not come up with a cite. But I know I’ve seen the phrase, both here and in the real world.

Don’t blame me–I voted for Kang.

Please provide a fair reason to deny people the right to marry the person they love who happens to be of the same sex. I’ve yet to hear one that wasn’t based on religion or bigotry.

Well, there is also “inconvenience”. :rolleyes:

I know plenty of people who “disowned” Bush as their President, but that was usually because he had the bad habit of calling citizens who didn’t agree with him things like “unpatriotic” and “anti-American” and “freedom haters” and stuff like that.

Last time I checked, Obama hadn’t called the OP any of those things, so I’d say the situation is not quite analogous.

Nice way to change the definition of a word; so now “racism” include heightism, ageism, hair colorism, residentism, languageism, ect? Let’s be all-inclusive and all-encompassing!
Wasn’t it Lewis Carroll, in Alice in Wonderland, who wrote: When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.’

Gee, from my point of view, your reasons are dickish and mine are principled. If you want my vote on a matter, you might try to convince me, not insult me.

I posed a couple of questions you could have attempted to answer; instead you decided to waste your time with this. Yeah, you’re not trolling. Right.

Which is exactly what you’ve done with your “he’s not my president” line.

Wait’ll you hear what “dba” stands for!

I keep hearing the subject line in a petulant-teen-and-stepfather context:

“You can’t tell me what to do - you’re not my President!”

<runs off to Canada and slams door>

You’re a fucking troglodyte.

But you’re just like all the other fucking troglodytes who voted with you. So at least you’re getting the homogeneity you desire!