Hey! Cram it ya jerks!


"No job’s too small, we bomb them all."
-Ace Wrecking Company

Anyone here ever played the game by Lucasarts, The Dig? What Brink said to the spider is how I feel towards all of you. :expressionless:

"No job’s too small, we bomb them all."
-Ace Wrecking Company

Hey1 Don’t post to insult yourself you schizofrenic freak! I’ll whoop you up ya friggin piece of slime! I’ll rip out your guts and display them as trophies while I hunt down your family!

"No job’s too small, we bomb them all."
-Ace Wrecking Company

Call in the airstrike! These idiots are out of hand! Napalm the area! Look at the suckers wriggle as they burn! HAHAHAHAHA!!! DIE!!!

"No job’s too small, we bomb them all."
-Ace Wrecking Company

You stupid idiot! Stop posting against yourself in succession! It makes you look stupid as hell! Cripes, get a life! You’re bored? Take that boredom and shove it where the sun don’t shine ya jackass!

"No job’s too small, we bomb them all."
-Ace Wrecking Company

The spider? I remember bats and sea monsters and turtles and giant dog-beasts and funky alien people, but where was the spider again?

Um, Mister Rogers, might I suggest that your time might be a little more well spent on doing something constructive…like masturbating.

Hey don’t knock masteurbation, it’s sex with someone I love!

Don’t let the loveless ones sell you a world wrapped in grey.

Is that what the French call it?


DOH! I would be shocked if the French knew enough anatomy to pull it off (pun intended).

“There are many sweeping generalizations that are always true” -Space Ghost

Please, girlfriend. The French invented sex.

He said confidently, after ending a romantic relationship (but maintaining the sexual one) with a wonderful Quebecois gentleman.

Not that Quebecois are French, of course.