What would you do if Google ever went away? Imagine the emptiness inside, as you went to search and suddenly remembered that you couldn’t anymore.
Oh, the humanity!
What would you do if Google ever went away? Imagine the emptiness inside, as you went to search and suddenly remembered that you couldn’t anymore.
Oh, the humanity!
And can a moderator remove my head from my ass, please?
"Dudck indeed… :o
As a devout, but sadly still imperfect, student of the Great Duck Duck Goose, and one who enthusiastically describes the joys of Googling to others stil unenlightened as to the joys experienced when you’re sitting all alone at night with a keyboard, a computer, and the boundless vistas of the Net …
I say … eh. Whatever. This could take as long as the ‘click-through’ thing, methinks, and end just the same.
At least (disciple rubbling her hands together anxiously), I hope it does …
The suit just involves Google’s paid listings, according to Airman’s link. Even if it’s an open-and-shut loss (which I greatly doubt), Googling will go on.
Out of sheer exasperation, she’d develop her own search engine. She’d call it Goose, so everyone could giggle when they wrote, “I just Goosed the web for that topic.” This would embarrass her slightly, but she’d wind up richer than Bill Gates, so she wouldn’t mind. She’d buy all the rights to “The Straight Dope” and put the SDMB on super-fast servers and wouldn’t charge for access.
The BS alarm just went off…
Uh huh…
And, if anybody’s in a particularly masochistic mood tonight, here’s the original lawsuit, in PDF format–it has really cool Dilbert-type flow charts and everything.