Hey, John C is back!

One of my all time faves is back! Not only that, but he kicked some ass in the pit. Okay, he did it in my defence, but still.

Welcome back, John! Please tell us it’s not temporary.

I’m like the wind, baby, rushing in and out of here at the slightest of whims…

…or at least the whims of temp assignments and having my boss spend a day away from work so I can screw around on the web to my heart’s content.

Anyways, I promise to try and be a bit more semi-regular around here.

It’s great to be back.


Give to Radiskull!

listen up y’all, I’m the Devil Doll, I’m not very tall, but I’m havin’ a ball, I’m rabid like rabies, movin’ a Mercedes a hit with the ladies reprezentin’ Hades!

Up the Irons!

My god you scared me. I thought you meant John Cyberian

From an actual catalog: “Disco balls create an enchanting, dazzling effect of light shafts, adding movement and glamour to any occasion”
the Abrams’ bris was certainly memorable
O p a l C a t

Nice to meet you John C. I didn’t know you were gone but welcome back!!!

Yours truly,

John was gone???