Hey! Let's throw shit at the moon! Becase WE CAN!!!

You win. That’s comedy gold, right there.
In al seriousness, I do have to say, I agree with most in this thread that have said they support the idea as long as it will lead, at some point, more grassroots space efforts. More power to them.

As for the intrinsic value of the moon, it’s valuable as a power source, and a stepping stone. Also pretty to make out by, but 22lb of space crap isn’t going to change that anytime soon…

This has to be one of the funniest threads I’ve read in a long time. :smiley:


I think a strong argument could be made that 90% of human advancement came out of doing shit just for the hell of it.

I think we should dump our shit in the Sun instead. It’s not going to be affected by any little spitballs we toss at it. Hell, you could probably throw the entire solar system at it and the Sun wouldn’t hardly change at all, whereas the Moon won’t be as pretty with a bunch of shit all over the place, at least not when we have people there to notice.

Indeed. The laser was an invention looking for a purpose; no one knew what the hell a fancy light beam was actually good for. But modern telecommunications and computing would be much more primitive without lasers.

Well, hell, then, chuck away…

After all, we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t run around destroying or blowing shit up will-he, nill-he for no real reason all the time. I mean we can, so obviously we should.

Who’d ever want to aspire for something better for our (human) race? :rolleyes:

I think we would, indeed, still be human if we didn’t do all of that, and I don’t accept that as a reasonable description of what humans do “all the time.” And I don’t even remotely see the connection with the OP.

I’m in favor of this precisely because I do aspire to something better for the human race: I want to see us a true spacefaring race. And every load of crap launched at the moon just for the hell of it is one more step in that direction.

I throw stuff at the moon all the time. The damn thing keeps throwing it back.

Yeah but you can’t do that for $6 Million.

Besides, how much do you think will be left of 22 kg smashed into the ground at the Moon’s escape velocity (8400 m/s)? Even less if it hits at the Earth’s escape velocity (11200 m/s).

If this project works out well, we can throw everything at the moon: chicken bones, old cars, pop cans, VHS tapes (and Beta too), squirrels, ballpoint pens, old washing machines, dirty couches, car engines, lobster pots, the plaster from walls we remove, motor oil, potatoes gone bad, faded carpets, obsolete computers, the old oil tank from the basement, Justin Timberlake, cigarettes, speeding tickets, hidden stashes of porn, KFC, GWB, Shonen Knife, the ashes of those we’ve lost, good intentions, worn out tires, The Clapper, The Sox, autumn leaves, dirty underwear, rabbit’s foot, hogwash, snow (especially snow), Chernobyl, tax refunds, Barcaloungers, televangelists, Donald Trump, pretty flowers, Jersey barriers, socks, everything in the trunk of my car, Motel 6, innuendo, that dog next door that barks so much, blind faith, the milk of human kindness, impediments to human progress, bills, bills, bills, and so much more.

So I think it’s a great idea.

You left out the Original Billy Bass.


I find it hard to get upset at the idea of people chucking stuff at the Moon, considering that plenty of crap falls onto the Moon everyday.

But what a freakin’ waste of 6 million dollars!

For that kind of money you could make a really significant contribution to the Cause of your Choice. You could feed the hungry, house the homeless, medicate the sick, educate the ignorant, etc. etc. etc.

Hell, if you’re a space nut, you could fund a program to advance spaceflight techonolgy! You could establish your own variant on the X Prize. You could set up a team to try to claim the X Prize. You could set up a scholarship fund for aerospace engineering students.

Or you could throw 22 pounds of something at the Moon. How utterly pointless! I cannot imagine a lamer use of the money. Seriously. It’s not even tacky. It’s not funny, it’s not interesting, it’s not unique, it’s not even grandiose. It’s just stupid.

Yes. And Bigmouth Billy Bass. Thank you.

Stop playing the martyr for the cause, dumbass.

Not a single solitary poster in this thread has said that anyone should throw shit at the moon. A group of people want to do so and have the ability (or the money to acquire the ability) to do so. Therefore, if one does not want that to happen it is up to such person to show why this group should not throw shit at the moon. I don’t see any possible detriment and a slim chance at a benefit, so to me the “should not” argument loses. No argument that these people “should” do it is necessary.

That’s it! I’ve decided to register for the board based on THIS THREAD ALONE.

So, who says the moon-shit thing doesn’t have any good results?? :wink:

Giant slingshots!

Blow the damn thing up for all I care. It’ll save me money on ammo by not having to shoot these friggin’ werewolves every month.

Related note: any Doper’s ever tell younger siblings their parents/siblings/etc lived in a swamp/lagoon or the like? Imagine kids telling their little sister or brother their real parents live on the moon. (Of course, this would mean the 22 lbs being cremated ashes) :smiley:

I think everyone is missing the real reason to use this, ahem, service:

Evidence Disposal.

If you have some unfortunate difficult-to-get-rid-of evidence that you really need to get rid of, this is the way to do it! Let’s face it, the ability to go to the moon and actually rake through the shit that’s been flung at it is, at best, decades away and probably much further out.

For how many days, and if tax isn’t included, did you include gratuity?

Anybody that thinks they need a space ship to get their shit on the moon has obviously never had explosive dairrhea before. I can personally attest to being responsibe for two of the craters just south of the Sea of Tranquility.