Hey! lolagranola! (And any Edmonton Dopers)

So have the plans been made for the dopefest? Are we gonna be meeting on the 28th? When? Where? I need to know so I can know for sure if I can come and have the money… cuz my schedule might not allow it if we meet too early in the day (dang Opening Ceremonies… keeps making me miss these!)

So… anyone?

I’m gonna be in Admunchuk (heee) that weekend. When and where?
Evening = good. North end=better.

We haven’t got the where but have the “when” pinned down to next Saturday night.

Ginger said something about drinking and dancing, what a novel idea.

We will keep posting updates here and anyone can get in touch with me on my icq, #13225595 or e-mail me at feynn@powersurfr.com

I was just thinking, it looks like I am going to be surrounded by quite a number of lovely ladies come next Saturday night.

Smug… I might need some help.