Hey, Manwich, Bernie lost.

That thread was about Bernie’s chances so why not talk about his chances? He didn’t have much hope from the start and other than a brief blip when nobody seemed to allow for the fact that the party would coalesce behind one candidate, was he was never the favourite.

Sorry I havent made this more clear. It’s not me you have to convince. It’s the average American or whoever you can convince to turn up and vote your way.

Just seeing people acting just like in 2016 and expecting a different outcome

You can’t move enough to make them happy and you will only lose folks in the center. There are more moderate voters in swing states than bernie or bust types. You can’t lost the center to engage the far left.

Dale has already welcomed all Bernie supporters. What he is not ready to do is suck them off to get them in the tent. He would lose the respect of too many of the voters in the center.

Which post are you referring to? The one I saw had him calling Bernie “vile and disgusting” and a “shitbag”, and telling supporters to fuck themselves. YMMV, but that doesn’t seem very welcoming to me.

What sort of encouragement are you proposing?

Biden has been whispering sweet nothing into their ear since the moment Bernie withdrew.

Exactly! Be more like Biden. He’s doing it right, from what I’ve seen so far.

Some pof that might be the result of the frustration that a lot of the adults in the room feel over the tantrums we are seeing from the Bernie supporters. We are simply not going to reconfigure Biden’s platform to conform to Bernie’s platform. Bernie’s platform lost, even in a frikking Democratic primary, it lost. It would do even worse in a general election.

OK, where? He has spent month bad-mouthing Sanders supporters on this board. Where is his welcome?

You live in Arlington. It is a very blue district. The congressman there (Don Beyer) is not nearly as progressive as you. He’s also old and white.

You flatter me!

It depends on what it takes to convince them. If it’s just holding out your hand and opening the door for them, no problem. But if it’s letting Bernie choose the VP or change the platform to look more like his platform then we should just move on and hope we can win without their support.

Referring to my bolded part:

Traitor Trump (R - Impeached) appreciates your continued support.

Hunh. Well, it doesn’t necessarily make him wrong in this case but I’ve been giving him some benefit of the doubt based on the frustration I feel towards some of the Bernie supporters who honestly don’t look like they are trying to hold the election hostage to try and change Biden’s platform to look more like bernies when Bernie platform lost and biden’s platform won.

That’s a good point. I mistook him for someone else.

I don’t know that calling you more progressive that Don Beyer is a compliment. I certainly don’t think you can win. But you might be able to sneak up on him.

It’s hard for me to imagine anything more horrible to spend my time on than knocking on hundreds or thousands of doors and trying to convince strangers to like me. I tend to doubt political office would be right for me.

I volunteered for Bill Bradley in 2000. When Gore got the nomination, I didn’t demand a handjob from his supporters. If it was principles that led you to support Sanders, then it’s a no-brainer to vote for Biden. If not, maybe you don’t have any principles in the first place. Maybe you were just in a cult. Grow the fuck up; sometimes your guy doesn’t win.

Amen. If Bernie/Pete/Amy/Liz… heck, if Jay Inslee were the nominee, I’d be going door-to-door getting the vote out.

The best thing Bernie supporters can do is keep working to defeat Donald. Second best thing, help Joe craft a more Progressive agenda. And Biden supporters need to welcome their input and hard work.

(Well, after they swear at them on anonymous message boards… that’ll be a big help)

I am not a democrat. I do not like the democratic party. If we did not live in a managed democracy, and there was a party that put the interest of the people over the interest of the rich, I would vote for that. Wanting Bernie as president does not make me a democrat, nor does it make voting for the democrat more appealing.

Furthermore, being told that voting for the lesser of two evils is the “adult decision” is a big reason as to why we’re a managed democracy, and why our two choices are evil. There are countries out there in which you do not have to vote for the lesser of two evils, because at least one, sometimes both, sides are not evil. I know I’m being manipulated and forced into this lesser of two evils situation, as I have been almost all of my life, as I will likely be for the rest of my life. “Lesser of two evils” is a false choice, manufacturing consent to be ruled by evil. It’s the reason this country has been getting worse for the average person for several decades.

So, given that I do not like the democratic party, am not a democrat, do not want a democrat to be president in a vacuum, and do not appreciate being forced into constantly voting for bad presidents with bad policies, I do not owe the democrats a vote. They especially make it hard when they hand me such a bad fucking candidate.

But I recognize the uniquely bad nature of Trump, and that if he’s not defeated, that’s probably it for even having a managed democracy. So I’ll almost certainly be voting for Biden. But I’m disgusted with my compliance with this bullshit system, disgusted to have to vote for someone I very much don’t want to be president, disgusted that the democratic party is going to keep chasing the Republicans to the right because, what am I going to do? I have to vote for the lesser of two evils!

There are a lot of people who recognize this, who don’t want to be part of this bullshit system, who owe nothing to the democratic party. Telling them they’re forced to participate in this bullshit system and that they’re never going to get a president that actually has their interest at heart so just suck it up and vote for the lesser evil is a tough pill to swallow. So if you want them on your side, to vote for your party, at the very least, try not to alienate them. We fucking hate this disgusting position that you - as a supporter of the democratic party - have put us in, by allowing your party to be controlled by the same masters as the republican party. I don’t owe you or your party a vote, and I’m disgusted that I’m going to give it anyway. What do you think insulting me and doing a victory lap about the corporate democrat establishment crushing one of the only people in politics who is genuine and wants to improve the lives of the average American is going to do but make it even harder for me to swallow that bitter pill?

I’m not going to stay home, but other people might. If you want them to be on your team, you should try being persuasive and making them want to be on it and feel less disgusted by being on it, not trying to stick their noses in it and gloat about how they have no choice.

I"m always amused by dalej42’s lack of self awareness. Its like when Trump said mexicans were rapists.