Hey, Manwich, Bernie lost.

Okay, this is a start, but some Bernie supporters may need more encouragement and welcoming to maximize their chance of voting against Trump. If you don’t care to go to this effort, that’s fine, but if you want to help maximize this chance, I recommend being very “encouraging and welcoming” when you choose to engage Bernie supporters.

Maybe it is “time to accept” this, but telling folks this may not be the best way to get them to accept this.

Bernie supporters should vote Biden, but this “I secretly love shitbag Sanders supporters” is abusive relationship levels of toxic. People will call you on that.

The disconnect here seems to be between “THIS IS THE WAY THINGS ARE, JUST ACCEPT THEM” and “What is the most effective way to maximize the chances of getting Bernie supporters to vote against Trump?”.

I don’t care, at all, about the first path – it literally doesn’t matter a whit to me. It’s totally irrelevant to me, true or not. I only care about the second path. How do we win? That’s what I care about, and all I care about, relative to this discussion.

If they are insulted by the flat out rejection of their assertion that ‘Biden is almost as bad as Trump’, then there is very little purchase for encouragement. Where do you even begin?

I think it’s more the language in the OP that’s insulting, not opposing dumb arguments like that.

Aside: Have you considered or are you currently considering running for political office?


This keeps happening in these conversations:

  1. Someone says something like:
  1. They get called on it.
  2. They rephrase what they said as something much more innocuous like “rejection of their assertion that ‘Biden is almost as bad as Trump,’” and act all confused about how what they said was insulting.

Quicksilver, it’s not insulting to reject the “Biden is almost as bad as Trump” claim.

Quicksilver, it is insulting to describe progressives as needing flower, dinner, romance.

Quicksilver, it is insulting to say “fuck off.”

I’m not confused about who I’ve insulted or why:

Politicians have certain obligations. So do voters. Because elections have consequences.

Too late for edit, so also this…:

I guess it’s good that someone is actually passionately supportive of Biden. Pace yourself though dale, your head is going to explode now Trump and Fox News etc go fact free, gloves off attacking Biden

I don’t think there is any Dem nominee that would be spared the full force of the Trump/Fox attack machine.

Keep in mind, before dalej42 had Bernie Sanders, Martin Luther King Jr. occupied a special place in his heart.

In 2005 he was ‘just asking questions’: MLK and secret FBI documents?

In 2006 more questions: Why do we deify Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Then a post here or there over the years (this is not a complete list).



Then this 2015 magnum opus: Let’s pit Martin Luther King!

I supported Warren on super Tuesday, and will happily support Biden in November. I sincerely hope all Bernie supporters do the same.

dalej42 is a piece of shit, and remains so even when his views align with mine.

I forgot to add…

dalej42 also hates ‘gold-diggers’. However, he has a pretty non-standard definition of gold-digger. To him it appears to mean, ‘victim of domestic abuse at the hands of a professional athlete’.

Thread: Ray Rice goes Tubthumping.

Selected post:

Thread: Semyon Varlamov sued byex girlfriend: Gold Digger alert?

Selected post:

Seriously. Fuck that guy.

Wow, thanks for all that, Lance. What a piece of shit dale has shown himself to be.

I haven’t explained myself well.

What I’m trying to say is that Biden isn’t going to win by suddenly making people realise that Trump is a dangerous buffoon. Trump actively parades dangerous buffoonery while calling it charm and wit.

Even campaigning on a conservative 5-4 being better than a conservative 6-3 seems like a bad idea.

But weren’t you also the one saying Biden was clearly deteriorating and would be essentially incapable of independent thought/action any day now? And in mid-March (after Super Tuesday) that Sanders had more or less locked it the nomination and would win big in the remaining states?

Maybe not the most objective on the subject?

I appreciate that people should still make an effort to engage, but it seems maybe you are looking for some kind of promise that Biden will simply become Sanders or take up his entire platform verbatim? That’s not going to happen and your goalposts seem to shift by the day or the week.

People have been giving you a lot of solid reasons but aren’t going to tell you lies, i.e. Biden will drastically change his platform to suit you. If that’s not enough, so be it, but I can see why some are frustrated with some of your more outre demands.

A lot of supporters for other candidates swallowed real hard after the New Hampshire primaries and resolved to vote for Bernie if that was what it came down to. I’m sure there were a few “never Bernie” types out there but it didn’t seem to be anywhere near as common as the Bernie or bust types we saw following South Carolina.

Why do Bernie supporters need so much more handholding to make an adult decision?

Look, dalej42 assery aside, Biden has a good chance to beat Trump. Trump had a small bump at first in support from the pandemic but as people realize he’s hurting us, his popularity is dropping.

Biden is increasing his lead in the general polls but also winning key states that HRC lost last to time to Trump and Trump is not picking up any new states.

Biden is not my first choice but as he can beat Trump and looks like he is beating Trump. Yay! Biden.

Are you white because if you were a minority of any type or stripe, you would know that capitalism is not the primary reason Trump is such a bad candidate. Economically, he isn’t much better or worse than any other Republican (except on trade). If you are generally not inclined to vote for Democrats over Republicans then based on his economic policy, you are probably not going to be inclined to vote for Biden over Trump.

But Trump has Made America Racist Again. Sure it was always there like herpes waiting to flare up but Trump seems to be encouraging it in a way that no politician in the last 30 years has.

If you really can’t see that much daylight between Trump and mainstream Democrats then you’re probably a Bernie or bust type. You are entitled to your beliefs.