Hey, Pacific! Keep your storms on your own side!

Jeez. it’s not enough we got hit with four hurricanes last year, now a tropical depression that formed in the Pacific is moving backwards toward the Atlantic.

There’s plenty of weather to go around. There’s no need to start shoving your tropical depressions over onto our side!

Yeah, I saw that this morning on the weather and thought:

  1. What the heck is that doing coming our way?


  1. A named storm already; it’s only May.
    Here we go again!

My parental units are in the path of this. I was having a sleepless night, wondering why, and now you give me a reason, will try to comunicate with them…

Your parents live on the Yucatan peninsula or the Isthmus of Panama?

We wish you a merry isthmus, we wish you a merry ishtmus…

Latest proyection:


Right into El Salvador…

i do remember a bit ago that a storm crossed over from the atlantic side to the pacific side. it changed names as it crossed over.

lovely getting a storm before the season starts june 1st.

projection… :smack:
Need to sleep, cannot reach them yet…

It’s just a tropical storm and projected to just be a tropical storm. They should be fine, might get a lot of rain and some nice gusts. They’ll be okay. It’s kind of early to get anything too powerful. Gulf temps are only about 80 right now.

Tropical storms are messy, but not too bad otherwise, unless you live in a VERY flood-prone area.

At least I’m not in New Orleans anymore. I love that place, but after evacuating from Ivan last year, I’m in no hurry to do that again. Anytime. Ever. shudder

“Our” side (ie the Atlantic) has already named it Adrian.

Ick. It’s too early!

It has been declared a National emergency in El Salvador. You see, the country is seldom hit by severe storms like this one, in extreme rainy seasons, it is not rare to have a big landslide were hundreds die. Yesterday, 2 people already died in a landslide caused by rain from the front of the storm, the high population density, and erosion and over development are a setup to major mudslides. Already, thousands have been evacuated from low lands or dangerous areas; I managed to communicate with my parents and so far no evacuations are happening were they live.

Great, now NOAA is calling it Hurricane ADRIAN…


If it reforms in the Atlantic it will be called Hurricane Arlene (#1 on the Atlantic names list). Wouldn’t it be ironic if it came up the Atlantic coast and crossed over Lynchburg, VA? A transgendered hurricane takes aim at the Falwell empire! It sucks! It blows! It’s big and mean and angry and coming at you, Jerry!