I go home at lunch to look for a picture to post on the Dope so Dopers don’t hunt me down and skin me alive, since I keep promising. I don’t find one, (will keep looking) and run out of time. As I’m waiting at the exit to my development, I hear a sound and look to my right.
I see
One drunk asshole sitting comfortably, smoking a cigarette and THROWING UP right underneath the sign that says “Welcome to _____ _____ Apartments”. Right in the fucking flower bed.
Ok, you asshole. You probably don’t have a house, which no doubt is somehow society’s fault. Somehow you don’t have any access to a restroom or bathroom, even though somehow you got to our complex, which is 2 miles from the nearest bar, as well as the same distance from a gas station.
But WHY OH WHY must you throw up in front of the sign? Would it have been too much to ask to go around BEHIND the sign or better yet, off into the woods ACROSS THE FUCKING STREET??? Why in the nice flower bed they planted for our enjoyment? The sign is ugly enough, we don’t need to make it uglier.
To top it all of, this was no mostly-digested vomit. In the 1/2 second glance, it was **chunky ** and white. UGH, my stomach just turned. I am going to feel sick all day. Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck!
You arrogant asshole, just sitting there with your legs spread wide open, smoking your goddamn cancer stick, and throwing up between your legs whenever you feel like it. This is suburbia! People pay good money to be away from gutter trash like you! EEWWWWW!
EW EW I can’t say it enough.
It’s not his fault that he’s a drinker
It’s not his fault that he’s homeless
He’s entitled to barf in your flowerbed
and take a dump on your welcome mat
It’s your fault
Learning to accept the aberrant behavior of everyone else is essential if you wish to avoid litigation for infringing their right to be aberrant. :rolleyes:
Did YOU check this poor man’svomit? If there was blood in it, he may be bleeding internally! YOU should have called an ambulance right away!
If the poor guy was bleeding, he could have gone into shock and died right there!
Would YOU want that death on your conscience?
People like you…I just DON’T understand! :smack:
Why are you using someone else’s misery to advance the idea of how responsible you are? For one thing, you have no idea what the guy’s situation is. For another, did he claim that his situation was someone else’s fault? Re-reading the OP, I see no place in which he made this claim.
I think you’re putting words in his mouth so that you can pump yourself up and make a completely irrelevant point.