Hi Everyone

First day on the board and just wanted to stop in and say…HI!

Looking forward to reading and getting to know you all.

Who… Who are you?.. and what are you doing here?


Well nevermind… What’s done is done. You can stay. Just don’t make a mess.

I promise no messing…I clean up after myself :slight_smile:

First, fork over the subscription fee, guest.

Second, do you like calamari?

Third, : ahem :

Fourth, there will be a brief and highly entertaining rite involving a goat, 3 bricks of creme cheeze, a funnel and a 6 foot long 1x6 plank.

It wasn’t THAT entertaining. I’m still walking like a cowboy.

Ok, I like the fourth idea…I’m always up for a party :wink:
Calamari is alright, but not my fave.

Hello Celena. Be welcome. Enjoy your stay. :slight_smile:

You left out the Roto-Rooter, and the 55 Gallon Drum of Canola Oil.

If I were you, I’d head over to the thread titled new-ness and make yourself…uh…comfortable

yes…comfortable…thats it :wink:

You guys never let me have the Canola Oil. :frowning: Maybe that’s why I’ve still got scar tissue. :smack:

[Cartman]I hate you guys. . .[/Cartman]

Hi, right back.

Damnit! The goat ate the cream cheese! Little sumbitch, i gotta go back to the store before the “Party”

:: presses a big red button, causing a huge door to slide open ::

:: a loud GRONK! is heard ::
Best get a move on.


You also forgot the Squcks. The :: shudders :: Squcks.

Hey, no enjoying the ritual out loud. Spoils the fun for the rest of us. Can’t you at least pretend to be properly horrified?

Don’t worry, she will be. The Squcks are in fine form. If form is what… that… is supposed to be.

: splooge :

gah! Get that squck away from me! bleah…hand me that bottle of clam sauce, I gotta get this smell off me!

And where the hell is that Tentacle Monster?

Aww, do you need Tentacle Monster now? We were playing catch-the-newbie. :pout:

Fricka-frackin’ coding. That was supposed to be a pout. pouts more

runs through thread shrieking, chased by Tentacle Monster

–Hi, Celena! smooch

flies out of thread