I just recently subscribed, after lurking for months/years/decades/whatever. Really, I was hoping one of the other newbies would open a “Hi, I’m a newbie” thread.
Because, uh, I’m afraid of goats, and I’m allergic to squid.
I just recently subscribed, after lurking for months/years/decades/whatever. Really, I was hoping one of the other newbies would open a “Hi, I’m a newbie” thread.
Because, uh, I’m afraid of goats, and I’m allergic to squid.
I was going to invite you to a cabritos and calamari dinner.
Oh well, I guess I’ll just eat alone.
Hello meghan. Be welcome. Enjoy your stay.
Welcome! Would you like some orange-pineapple-ginger ice cream?
Better not watch the sci-fi movie “Sphere” (Dustin Hoffman, Sharon Stone, Samuel L. Jackson) which was on last night. Someone had a fear of squid and the fear caused giant squids to menace the scientists. That’s why I’m sticking to being afraid of teddy bears. Not so dangerous. Although, now that I think of it, in Ghostbusters, someone thought of the Stay Puff man and he returned to menace the scientists. Another option would be just don’t become a scientist.
Teddy bears will rip your heart out, man! Being afraid of them is only common sense.
The ice cream sounds nice, and I think I’ll stay away from squid, teddy bears and scientists.
I used to be new too, but it turns out they have a cream for that sort of thing!
A noob to the dope is a boon to the dope. I just made that up.
I’m a newbie too - sort of. I did have an account a few years ago…but I can’t remember what my username was let alone the password, so yeah. I didn’t post much anyway.
Welcome officially! I’m sort of a new-face around here myself, but let me tell you that the “initiation” is worth it… Or so I hear. Eh, those memory-erasing tactics/drugs do number on you…
Welcome, taterbug3918!
If you think you may have an old username here, best email the mods and get them to clear the situation up. They really do not like users to have multiple accounts here.
(And welcome, Her Royal IMFness! Although our records seem to indicate that you were indeed assimilated, so to speak. They’re a little hard to read sometimes, especially with the violet lighting in that room.)
So . . . no goats, no squid, no teddy-bears . . . how about snails? Can you do snails?
:: gives meghan a noogie ::
Points at taterbug3918 and screams loudly
Now, now. Please, no screaming in the thread.
Welcome, new persons!! The only way to avoid the squid and the goats and the other things is to send me chocolate love offerings. No, really, it’s true. This isn’t a pathetic attempt to get Godivas for free by extorting total strangers. It really isn’t.
I wouldn’t do that. Because I’m nice, dammit.
Anyway, welcome. Have fun.
Send chocolate.
lays down a large tarp and a red carpet going to room 203
Ahem. Newbies? This way. Also, you guys did eat lots of fish last night like we asked, because Mariah does prefer a fishy taint to her amours.
New personnel is always welcome! Howdy everyone!
Welcome to the Dope! I’m still mostly new here, meself.* Ignore what’s going on over there behind that curtain. It’s nothing to do with squid or goats. Trust me. It’s just, ah, you’re surprise welcoming party! Yeah, that’s the ticket.
*But not new enough to get a proper initiation. Dammit, how’d I miss out?