Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Off to Heave I Go - An Early MMP

I’m posting in the new MMP on the first day? Who am I, and what have I done with Misnomer?!?

My Christmas shopping is done! :tada: BFF #1 is getting the aforementioned beading tips book, three bars of dairy-free chocolate (:crossed_fingers:), and a personal fire pit that runs on rubbing alcohol. She and the hubby have a regular wood-burning fire pit that they sometimes use in their (large) driveway, but I figure this is something she could use out on their deck on cool evenings. She likely won’t try it until early spring; I hope it works as advertised when the time comes. I’m taking big chances with that and the chocolate!

I also ordered holiday cards and stamps, both of which should arrive by next week. I wasn’t sure if I’d be up for sending cards this year, but I am…and, luckily, I can afford to pay for expedited shipping. :wink:

I should have mentioned before that I got her a TON of beading/jewelry stuff for her birthday in August! I buy that stuff for her all of the time. I want to do something different for Christmas. :slight_smile:

Tomorrow morning is my first post-op appointment: I’m excited to get the green light for fat-free yogurt and sugar-free pudding! Food that requires plates and forks is only a week away now!!
