Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Off to Heave I Go - An Early MMP

Good morning.

Getting ready to head out the door for my commute. No wanna!

I hope all continues to go well with the boat, FCM!

I’m glad overlygirl doesn’t have the dread plague.

Well, I should get my shoes on and chuck my stuff in the Jeep and get going. Have a great day everyone.

Afternoon, mumpers!

Like Dicey, I am working out the trip details about how/where we could get a test in the US that’s acceptable to our airline/govt when we come back. Also since we have to get a PCR on our second day after arriving home, I’m having to work out whether we’re allowed to stay in an airport hotel the day we return, then drive ourselves home, or whether the rules mean we have to go straight back home.

Glad to hear overlygirl doesn’t have the plague though.

We are being battered by another storm hot on the heels of Arwen, now Barra is visiting us. Very strong winds and lots of rain here in the Wet Midlands so I am hoping it dries up a bit for my trip home later this afternoon.

Got a mahooooosive spreadsheet to be dealing with next, not looking forward to that, and busy looking for less onerous things to be doing. Like interim performance development reviews for my team…

LiLi feel free to vent in here. I see your kidlet issues on farcebook and really do send sympathetic hugs for all that you have to deal with.

Ho hum…off to spreadsheet hell!

Well, I should’ve expected this. Guess who’s got the gunk now? A fitful night was had for both me & overlygirl, though she’s pretty annoyed I won’t let her go to school. Half her class has the snots anyway and rumor has it that the half that doesn’t apparently got food poisoning from cafeteria lunch yesterday.

Today is meeting-full and relatively content-free. I might move things around with the exception of the important stuff so I’ll make more sense while I finish off some of the less exciting stuff I’ve been avoiding. I’m zoned out enough I keep trying to light my lotion tin on fire whenever I try to light the candle next to it. Candles just might be a bad idea today.

Morning all. Pills have been taken on an empty stomach as instructed and in about 45 minutes I’ll correct the empty stomach part. 37F outside and only getting to 50F today, so heating elements will get some work. Nothing much on the agenda. Champions League Soccer is back on the TV, so that’ll take care of much of the afternoon.

talky, hope you get to feeling better.

boo fae, have dealt with various spreadsheets from hell in my time…best of luck!

FCM, glad things are working out with the boat. Can’t wait for the first MMP’er party on-board… :wink: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

OK, need to do some banking on-line and other stuff. All y’all take care.

Off to irk soon. Still snowing, and the oracles report that it was 18 F last night.

Made an amazing sauce last night for chicken from irk, am breakfasting on same.

Christmas stuff is kicking my ass; so are these bored, cooped-up cats.

Oh, and not my critters, but for your enjoyment, here’s GiGi with Porkchop, one of the 7 cats at my friend’s house:

And they say cats and dogs don’t get along!

(GiGi the dog is getting on in years and can no longer make it up onto the bed. So my friend put her mattress on the floor, so they can still snuggle. Meanwhile, the cats take up the slack.)

Wow, GiGi looks a lot like my Cinnamon. With the calloused elbow and the color is spot on. skritches

Dropped off turkey and had some quick babby snuggles. Today is pictures-with-Santa day at Roxy’s school, and siblings were welcome, so Daughter was about to head over there with Tobias. I ran into WalMart for cat food and a couple of other items, then we ran by the credit union and I deposited a check from our FL account into our MD account. We’ll close the deal by next Weds - just waiting on the electronic docs to sign and we’ll know.



Maybe you should take the day off? It sounds like a rest would be a good idea.

This is very sweet. You have a good friend.

It’s Beamette’s birthday! Huzzah!

All the sickies - feel better! Happy Tuesday everyone!

Morning or afternoon. I had a terrible night could not get to sleep. Couldn’t get comfy so moved to the spare room, couldn’t get to sleep in there so got up and tripped over my suitcase. Took a tumble. Just some sore spots today. Too young to be falling and too old to be falling.

Glad overlygirl is negative. Mommmmm- new boat. So cool. You do know it’s bad luck to change a boats name. Also no bananas on board but that may just be fishing boats. Little grandson is so cute. That hair!

Got so much to do, feel like poo and have a realtor coming tomorrow. I may put her off a week. The Ocala realtor is gonna go look and video the house I’m interested in. I still need to get rid of the rest of hubs clothes and reorganize. Everything needs something. Got the time but no motivation.

You can change the name - you just have to give it a drink (a little champagne on the bow!) :wink: I’m leaning towards Sandpiper - it’s one of FCD’s better suggestions, I think.

And now I think I shall read one @Morgyn’s suggested books.

We’re thinking of you too. I will not, however, offer any advice. I know better.

Does it have to be Victorian? Have you ever read anything by Lisa Kleypas? She’s a family friend, and I’ve sampled some of her stuff. Not my cuppa, but she’s a very good writer.

We brought another load of crap treasures over the hill yesterday and stopped at Joe’s Donuts in Sandy on the way. Apple and cherry fritters with our morning coffee. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Everything they make at Joe’s is really good.

Wifey just went out to put out the feeders. We take them in at night 'cause of the raccoons. She said a hummer came and told her a very sad story about it’s feeder, so now she’s cleaning it preparatory to refilling.


Or— Dough v. Wade

Did I tell y’all that we went to Costco and was told they didn’t have fruitcake this year? I might not renew our membership next year.

Well, my butt’s gone to sleep. Time to go sit someplace else.

We are back from the vet. VBC’s meower isn’t broken, I could hear her across the building when they were drawing her blood. Besides being obese, her physical exam showed a healthy cat. We’ll know more tomorrow when we get the results of her bloodwork. Fingers crossed that she just had a little kitty cold.

GG was very happy to see her when we got home. I had to push him out of the way so I could open the carrier door. After a mutual bathing session, they thought they needed a little nap to get over their stressful morning.


They don’t hide nearly as well as shoe’s kitty!

Here is the penultimate pic of my house. The next and last time you will see it is after it comes back from the framer. My next piece is going to be a highly decorated Native American pot. It’s only about half the size, so should go fairly quickly.


No, that just happened to be the most recent group I’d been reading. I’ll check to see if our library has any of Lisa’s books.

That’s really pretty and quite detailed - you do nice work!

I made a quick run to Food Lion for some more Diet Cokes since they go off sale tomorrow and at the rate FCD is drinking them these days, I need to keep a bunch on hand. Plus I store them in the garage and it’s quite cool out there, so I don’t worry about them getting nasty.

SIL’s surgery is resked for Jan 25 - so the insurance mess is straightened out, but he missed his date today. Poor guy.

We just e-signed the addendum to the boat contract giving us a $5K Survey Allowance. So it’s just a matter of waiting till the closing date is set. And it’s looking like we’ll be rechristening her Sandpiper.

Our furniture is black leather, and our tuxedo cat is black also. Many’s the time when I’ve asked my wife if she’s seen the cat and she’ll point at the ottoman.

My goodness - he’s so big already!

I think I mentioned SWMBO cut me off after only three drinks at the Christmas party, so I did not have a chance to try the Woodinville Bourbon. (Well, the Manhattans were made with it; but I never got the chance to try it straight.) It’s gotten good reviews, and the guy in the office who likes his sauce says it’s very good. So I picked up a bottle today at Trader Joe’s when I went to get my salad.

Ah, crap. I was searching on the internet for a guy I used to work with and ran across another guy from that same office who was both an employee and a friend. He died two years ago from ALS. This is a nasty shock, as Dave was only 56 years old. He was a weight-lifter, so was the last person you’d think of having something like this. Dave used to invite us to go set-netting for sockeyes at Kasilof every year to fill our freezer. He was friendly and energetic and just a nice guy. He leaves behind his wife and three daughters. Damn, but this bums me out.

Or maybe U-Tern? Because I like puns.

Damn, Baker, that sucks.

VanGo, the donation is a good idea. For the nephews, gift cards.

Glad your daughter doesn’t have the plague wordy.

I see Niki shoe. Now, where’s Waldo? :stuck_out_tongue: Your friend’s critters are sweet looking.

bumba, I can highly recommend this fruitcake . I’ve never ordered it online, but make an annual pilgrimage to purchase one for the holidays.

unknown, George is a big boy! Your house is nicely done.

Ouch butters! I hope that you don’t get too sore.

Irked, came home, took Nelson out to play with his girlfriends and et.

I ran in to one of my former cow-orkers (the good one) today. He said that they have a backlog of 2K reconciliations. :open_mouth: (note: in my sixteen years in the department, we never went above 200). It’s what happens when you run with rookies (and one person short at that) for six months. Not my circus, not my monkeys. :slight_smile:

Stay safe and healthy y’all!