Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Off to Heave I Go - An Early MMP

I am sore. My boob is broken. Ibuprofen for me. I did a ton of stuff around the house today. I threw out hubby’s work shirts with his name on them, at least 200 pairs of socks, all his shoes and even glasses. I have asked a relative by marriage to drop by to take the good stuff to the Salvation Army. I have sorted it and even have new stuff with tags. Founds two brand new pairs of overalls. Keeping a really nice new Northface jacket in case I ever venture to cold weather. I had some good crying spells.

I have decided I just can’t deal with the Christmas Tree though I know I would enjoy it. Getting rid of superfluous shit is more important. I texted and warned the realtor that I am in the midst of reorganization and she said no worry.

Red. I’m glad you posted the fruitcake place. I actually like good fruitcake and haven’t got one yet. I remember my mother making it and ambrosia every Christmas.

Mommmm I like the name. So just make sure to christen her. I am on the fence about selling my house so if y’all do every get down here and I am still here you can dock here and have shore power and water. I would love it.

Everyone have a good rest of the day. Beautiful piece(needlepoint??). Very pretty. Which kitty is obese? I have a chunky tuxedo that the vet said we should put on a diet Pppffftt. This one will worry me death until she gets her food. Both kinds on demand.

Ok back to moving stuff around.

{{{ Butters }}}

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. Off to heave. Today’s sort went way too well, so I left after only 11 hours(See, I don’t over do it! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: )

Not horrible, but it’s not Queen Anne’s Revenge quality. :pirate_flag:


Happy Birthday Beamette!!!

Glad(?) it’s just regular crud, wordy.

I like the finished produt, unknown.

Howdy Y’all! We slothed, we pigged out at the hog trough GC, and then we slothed some more. Just the thing on a chilly, dreary day.

Cookie sorry about your friend.

Unknown the house looks good and George is one big kitty! Hope VBC is on the mend soonest.

MOOOOOOM I like the name. I frequented a bar/night club named the Sandpiper durin’ my misspent youth.

{{{Butters}}} clearin’ out someone’s stuff is always a very sad and very hard chore.

Happy Birthday Beamette!

BooFae I read about your spreadsheet from hell and thought, “better thee than me.” Have I mentioned lately how much I love bein’ a retired drain on society?

Evening all. Soccer watched and managed a 30-minute nap so I consider the afternoon a success. Did buy an electric tub and tile cleaner and a couple pair of sweatpants, so one gift card has $6.80 and the other has $0.32 on it, so not much shopping to do with them. Readin’ and Internettin’ are on the schedule for tonight.

Have lower back pain, not when I sleep or sit or even bend over, but usually after using the bathroom (#2). Getting up from the squat just hurts like someone stabbed my kidneys and it takes me a minute or two before I can stand up straight. Not serious enough to see the Doc, but I’ll keep experimenting and monitoring it.

FCM, like the boat name. If you ever do the Grand USA tour, see if you can make it up the Tennessee River, I’ll be glad to host you.

Cookie, sad about your friend. ALS is an insidious disease, I feel for anyone who has to deal with it, even as a friend.

Unknown, nice kitty pic. Glad VBC is doing better.

OK, back to doing nothing constructively. Catch you all on Hump day.

I am working on a giant spreadsheet and am hating it.

Dang, what’s with all the spreadsheets?

Dinner tonight is boxed lasagna (don’t judge, swampy!) plus some whomp croissants, because apparently, SOMEone wanted carbs to go with her carbs.

Side note: mah GAWD but frozen lasagna have shrunk in size.
I have the appetite of an anorexic sparrow and I’m already thinking, “This ain’t enough.”

We had a ‘white elephant’ thing at the Christmas party. It’s the first time I’d partaken. El Jefe wanted the smoked salmon, but Mrs. L.A. swiped it. (I swiped someone’s binoculars.) I felt a little bad about El Jefe and his spousal unit not getting the fish, so I ordered some today. Yeah, it’s sucking up to the boss, but I did feel bad they didn’t get it.

I wore my paisley bow tie to irk today. The ladies loved it. So did the girl at the gas station on the way to irk.

Y’all are so kind to me. Thanks for the hugs. It’s taken me over a year to get rid of his clothes. I still cannot be the one to actually take them so thankful my step cousin in law by marriage will be by tomorrow.

I’m hoping I can get some sleep tonight what with none last night and working my ass off today. I just had my first food of the day, a peanut butter and jelly sammich and some milk. Yes, my inner child is pleased.

Y’all have a good night and mayhaps I shall get a minute tomorrow after the maid and real estate lady come to check in… Gotta go drop a fed ex to the Vroom ppl with the title to the car and I guess wait until they have enough cars to make the trip to pick it up. Anyone wanting to get rid of a used car now is the time.

I’ve missed much.

Reading between the lines, {{{{{Butters}}}}}.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 63 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 72 and off and on rain for the day. Looks like the rain may go away by early to mid afternoon. We shall lay in provisions and I, of course, have the usual church janitor JW duties to deal with. I may wait to later this afternoon to do that dependin’ on what the weather does. Burgers 'n fixin’s with fries shall be tonight’s sup.

Butters here’s hopin’ you got a good night’s sleep and that today will be a better day.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, alas, woe, and oh so much bother, I suppose I shall purtify and don appropriate bein’ about the public attire. Life is just so difficult at times!

Happy Hump Day Y’all!

We were talking about this yesterday when we passed a local used car lot that was so very sparsely populated… But we’re not ready to give up any of our vehicles. FCD loves his Caddy, and I need my Sonata for shuttling the grands about. And the truck is necessary for hauling trash and recycling, plus we’ll need it for hauling boat stuff now. So there ya go!

It’s flurrying, but virtually no accumulation is anticipated. FCD wants to go to Annapolis and look at boat stuff, and since I had nothing planned for today, I guess I’m going also. We’re not buying stuff yet, but we need to get prices so we can plan for what we need. There are life jackets on the boat, but we don’t know their condition. There are no flares or binoculars, and the dock lines are serviceable, but definitely old. And we don’t know how many fenders there are, so we may need a few of them. And I want to replace all the interior lights with LEDs. Yep, BOAT = Break Out Another Thousand… :rofl:

Just had to share this - my grandson doing what he does best! Turns out my daughter is a pretty decent photographer.

And so begins the day. Happy Wednesday!

awww how cute… well indoor xmas hell is almost over with …but outdoor Xmas hell is barely beginning cause I waited until the last minute to get clarification as to what I was supposed to order re fence deco and ordered the wrong size once I did and fed ex was two days late So I had to reorder a smaller sized item and wait for my query about a refund to be answered…

Now after bitching about said decorating on the sdmb for the better part of 30 years I have a vid of last year’s results… I don’t need a repeat of this years because it mostly the same things in mostly the same spots every year just gotta figure how to post a vid somewhere probably will on Facebook and just link it

Oh anyone knows of where I can post a pic of a verminous insect so they can tell me what it is and how i can kill it off? somethings have taken residence In my sink and under it and the normal stuff isn’t working for whay ever this is …

Good morning everyone.

That is a great picture, FCM!

Butters, I’m sending you big hugs.

The day at the office yesterday was quite busy and included manual labor. I don’t know why I wore slacks. Intellectually, I know that the “executive” furniture is heavy, but somehow in my mind, I thought it wouldn’t be a huge deal to move this stuff around. I had to move two very heavy pieces of furniture and one was still in the warehouse, on a pallet and shrink-wrapped. I managed the piece in my office all on my own, but the tight quarters for the first part of it’s migration to another part of the office made it a little hard. Still, I did it. Next came the closet/bookshelf thing which is both tall and heavy; 395 pounds of heavy. Fortunately, one of our loan techs who is always super helpful was in the office. He got the thing on a pallet jack and we got it outside my office. Next, we unwrapped the piece of furniture and gentle it off the pallet. I had brought furniture slides into the office and thank God I did. We had to McGiver two of them by taping shipping straps to them so we could pull them out from the back of the cabinet when we got it moved into place. Again, it was a tight space but we got it in.

Before I even began the move, I had to empty out a bookshelf with a glass door and move it out of my office. Thank goodness that piece of furniture was relatively light and easy to move. Finally, after the furniture was moved into place, I had to put everything back, plus mount the shelves on the new piece of furniture. Between all of this, I was attending Teams meetings, dealing with the budget, and other bits and bobs of work. By one o’clock I was ready for a nap because I’d been at work since 5:30.

Today, at least, I am back to working from home.

The weather for the next few days calls for rain and some clearing. There will also be mountain snow.

Shit, shit, shit. Looks like my freezer has gone kaput. The fridge is still running, but I have a bad feeling imma have to toss all the food from the freezer.

About to call around local repair places. Here’s hoping the fix costs, oh, about five dollars. I don’t have much more to spare.

Well, you could ask the smartest people on the Internet. :wink:

But if you want “real” experts, the best insect ID group on Facebook is called “Antman’s Hill” but you have to join it to post.

$75 to come out and look at the freezer. Here’s hoping there won’t be significant additional charges.

Boy, my morning is off to a TERRIFIC fucking start.

Hugs to you, Butters.

And FCM, that picture makes me squeee. What a sweetheart.

Good luck with the freezer repairs, shoe - it’s incredible to me how much it costs just to get someone to lay eyes on an appliance. Part of me gets it but the other part is mildly outraged.

I feel a lot better than I did yesterday. My husband cooked dinner last night (gasp!) and he got up with the kids this morning. Which is a huge thing for him since he’s going through his own health issues and even in ordinary circumstances the man physically cannot wake early and, in the evenings, spends in ordinate amounts of time in front of the television. When I’m sick it’s me hobbling about the house, chugging ibuprofen and trying hard to stay in my chair long enough to get children fed and/or out the door. I’m still chugging ibuprofen to get through the workday, but it was amazing to not have to do kid duty, too.

Right now I’m sitting around waiting for my go at the shower and working in my pajamas. Glad we don’t do zoom too often. I resemble the crypt keeper right now and would probably scare small children and pets.

Happy Hump Day.

Chilly 32 degrees this morning, but as it is daycare day, it’d not a problem.
It started to snow as I was coming home, but it didn’t amount to anything.

I am so not ready for winter, or Christmas.
I feel like they both snuck up on me this year.

I have a shitton of stuff to do today. Stuff I keep putting off. Nothing hard, but it’s tedious and my brain doesn’t feel like irking. I should do some laundry, but I don’t know that I’ll get to it. Some of what needs to be done involved moving things around the house, and since my son is irking tonight, I’m not going to have help with that.

{{{ Butters}}} That is so much to do, and not easy to do it.

Tobias is so cute.

Hope your pain goes away MetalMouse.

I think it’s time for my cat to stop hating me. It was years ago that I tried to pill him, and he still avoids me. Unless I’m sitting outside, then he’s a damn pest.
He thinks my son walks on water, and my son wants Adam to leave him alone.

I guess I’d better get doing, as all this shit isn’t going to do itself.

Morning all. Lazed about the bed until 8:30am, so should be well-rested to do nothing much. Newspaper wasn’t outside when I checked then, need to go peek and see if it’s there yet (still not there).

FCM, cute pic.


shoe, hope the freezer fix isn’t too bad.

Taters, times we moved the US Gubmint paid contractors to come in and move our stuff. Glad it all went well for you.

OK, onward into the day.