Hi, Opal!

Today’s entry from my Mensa Puzzle-a-Day calendar – not difficult, but definitely Doperriffic.
This month’s birthstone is the opal. Use the clues to fill in the blanks to form three common, uncapitalized, unpluralized English words containing the letters O-P-A-L in that order.

Like a juggernaut: __ __ __ __ O P __ A __ L __
Clipper ship part: __ O P __ A __ L
Office jargon: __ __ O P __ A L __

First two were pretty easy


Pretty cool. Do you suppose it was a deliberate shout out?

Probably not – as she says, it is the October birthstone.

I did smile, though.



Dead deer ocular organ: _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Ah yes, had I read more closely, you made that clear…

Using this as another opportunity to take a dig at a particular poster isn’t appropriate.

twickster, who’s not just the OP, she’s a moderator

You’re a moderator? Where’s your proof?

Right under my username. Or would you prefer that I issue a warning so you’re really sure?

Twickster practically: _ _ O P _ _ _ _ _ _ A L _ _ _ _ _


And she will complete the job if you don’t knock it off. Now.

Who’s being dug at, and how? Seriously - you posted a thread of word puzzles that use Opal’s name. How is coming up with other word puzzles with Opal’s name ANY different? WTF?

I posted a word puzzle using the word opal, which is part of a long-running SDMB joke that has pretty much become disconnected from a particular person. Further, the puzzle involved not the word per se, but the letters that make up that word appearing in the answer, independent of any meaning of the word “opal,” let alone the poster who has the username shortened to “Opal.”

The post in question referred to that person – more specifically, it referred to a pretty heated pitting of that person. And it referred to that person in the clue, not as a collection of letters in the answer.

They seem pretty distinctly different to me.

I gotta agree with twickster on this one, I suck at those clues and I immediately knew what the other reference was to though instead… And humorous as it may be- it belongs in the pit and not outside as per the rules of that whole pitting.

  1. Unstoppable
  2. Topsail
  3. Shoptalk

Like a juggernaut: u n s t O P p A b L e
Clipper ship part: t O P s A i L
Office jargon: s h O P t A L k

That was fun!

I have a 3-words quiz fermenting in my Inbox. I’ll post it in here.

Does it have to be dead to be considered a buck? Or did you just add “dead” for the alliteration?

Dead deer ocular organ: D O E E Y E D

That was the first thing I thought of.