High my name is

Hi, I’m a pretty recent poster, you may not have seen me before. Just felt I should introduce myself to everyone. Hi!

Hi Surg, my dear! Long time no see. How’s it going? I, at least, have missed your witty posts; not to mention your outrageous flirting! :wink:

Oh, oh. YOu do remember me, don’t you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Interesting. A newbie with 1050 posts.

I would say welcome aboard, but I have the feeling you already know what goes on around here.

Oh, he does, BratMan. Believe me. :slight_smile:
At least, I think so! :wink:

Hey Surg, whaz up!? [I met Surgo yesterday in person] Whatcha up to this summer (besides not working)?

Getting ridiculously large post counts and playing games. Maybe get som action. nudge nudge wink wink.

Probably not though. Sigh.

Hello Newton.

“High, my name is”

Your name is “High”? I thought it was Surgoshan!

(I had to do it. Somebody had to do it!) :wink:


“High” Surgo, how are you? Long time no see. Are you drunk again?

Or, alternately, his name could be Flypsyde. Only the chat whores really know.

please… flyp, shurgo… dont start this again… :wink:

Hi Surgo!!
I missed you buddy. Actually, I missed everybody. 10 days away from the board. That’s gotta be a personal record. Anyway, glad to see ya, dude!

Good lard, I’ll never stop being an SDMB virgin at this rate!!!

Don’t worry, you will fit in in no time. It won’t be long before you are just 1 of the guys. Here’s a hint: find a well established poster to give you a signature line. That’s the little quote thing on the bottom of the message. The more well respected the poster you are quoteing the better.

I hope this helps, and welcome aBoard!

Quit teasing me!

– Ukulele Ike, Whose Butcher Closed