High school in the late 20s

Racoon skin coats


“Silent Cal”

Bathtub gin


The Charleston

Lucky Lindy

Those radical trouser watch pockets

“A chicken in every pot”

Teapot Dome

“Zelda, you crazy bitch, bring me another gin and tonic darling, I love you”
Wow, this takes me back. Have I forgotten anything?


Hmmmm. I was already in college by the time I was in my twenties.

Doghouse Reilly-

AbsoTIVEly PosiLOOTly!

23 Skiddoo!

Girls with bobbed hair

Rudolph Valentino!!!

Stock Market Crash

Speak Easy

hmm…to be continued

I was sooo close to posting this topic…

Route 66

“Hoover Flags”

The New Deal


Charles Lindbergh


Buster Keaton

Harry Houdini

Charlie Chaplin

Aahhh, the good ol’ days…

Mike Mulligan had a steam shovel,
a beautiful red steam shovel.
Her name was Mary Anne.

…Back then we used to wear onions on our belts…which was the style at the time…

“Penises don’t belong in the mouth, girls and boys. You’ve got the wrong hole there. Just like you wouldn’t shove pizza up your nose.”
-From the Brother Jed flyer-


“I fall in and out of comas all the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…”

Check out my site:
Chief’s Domain

Ahhhh, yes…I was on the first-string USC football squad in those days…we were scrimmaging in between shots of bootleg Scotch when we received that fascinating invitation from Miss Clara Bow…
