High-waisted pants.....WHY god oh WHY?

Why is it that that the waistline of women’s pants comes up so HIGH?
It is not comfortable to have pants buttoning over your belly button, and my legs and torso are short and so often pants designed for “professionals” sometimes go all the way to my chest.
I hate that.
Who decided this was fashionable?
Also, is it still fashionable for older men to wear their pants this way?

Old men wear their pants that way because sometimes, it’s a choice between over the pot-belly, or under it. Also, old men tend to stoop a bit, and it makes their chest dissapear into their pants.

I’m relatively young and I don’t have a gut, but I have to get pants with relatively high waists for men. I do it because I am tall (6’5"), but with short legs.
High-waisted pants make it possible for me to keep my shirt in and make the two halves of my body look proportionate.

Perhaps because women usually have proportionally longer legs than men, the pants have higher waists to accentuate that.

But I really have no clue.

it’s because clothing is cut to a specific set of measurements, and people come in random shapes and sizes.

The measurements themselves are useful only as a means of standardizing their manufacure. There are completely useless for determining fit - they fit a sort generic idea of various women’s body shapes, and then more or less randomly are assigned a “Size”. There’s no standard to this - size 5 in on manufacturer is different than another. If you’ve ever tried on jeans, you already know this.

In general, women’s sizes are 2-3 times larger today than in the 50’s. What we call an 8 might have been 14 back then. But manufactures keep shifting the sizes, figuring that if their size 6 is the same measurment as their competitior’s 8, today’s larger ladies will buy their 6, since it’s better for their ego.

I’m short and have a short waist and all my pants - even petites - also hit me above the waist. Very annoying. But the problem isn’t us or fashion - it’s the idiot mass manufacturers.


When I was promoted at work the first thing I did was scam myself a pair of guy pants, to get away from the waist in the face syndrome.
Sadly the store went corporate and they forced me back into the inflated hip crusty womans pants.


“Mega the Roo - Patron Saint of Marsupials and Shampoo”
-Ms Riddles