Hijack this thread!

Dynasty was such a stupid show! I was so glad when it finally went away.

I’m going away for the weekend! I’ll be leaving Saturday morning.

Is Friday part of the weekend?

I liked Friday’s better before they went all “upscale”. The servers used to wear all these cool buttons on their suspenders, and the menu was more fun. But they still do a mean Mudslide.

it’s called “flair”.


“So, how many pieces of flair do you want me to wear?”

OK. Go to http://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/ and download hijackthis. Post the log in the forum and the experts will analyze it and find out what spyware you have and how to fix it.

Anyone ever hear that story about a woman who saw her friend at the airport and greeted him with “Hi, Jack!” Supposedly she was arrested for making a terroristic threat. Is that anecdote true, or just an urban legend?

The Chicago airport was the biggest I’ve ever seen! I almost got lost. Who walks 1/2 mile in an airport?

(Whew, I thought Chuck had killed the thread!)

Chicago is the home of the company I work for. It used to be in Seattle. They considered Seattle to be to hick for a world wide company. Companies such as Starbucks and Microsoft don’t seem to have any problems. What a bunch of :wally

I heard on the news this morning that the company you work for has, for the first time in several years, beaten its biggest competitor – “biggest” both literally and figuratively – in the getting of orders for next year. Nice work; I hope you had something to do with it.

They still make the planes near Seattle though, right?

Man, that mention of planes reminded me of geometry class – two points determine a line, three points determine a plane. My brother always wondered why there were skew lines, but no skew planes.

Speaking of class, you know who’s a really classy lady? Dame Judi Dench. She was on T.V. last night talking about her newest film. She apparently plays a proper British lady who ends up running a strip club. Or at least a venue that features nude dancers.

Speaking of Judy’s, I wonder what Judy Tenuta is up to these days. I also wonder if the reason we haven’t heard from her is because someone coldcocked her back around 1989.

Speaking of coldcocks, anybody besides me think that Howard Stern’s new show will suck rocks?

I had a pet rock once, but nobody sucked it.

Pets do rock! The mere sight of a fluffy kitty or doggie sitting in the morning sun, their soft fluffy fur like a halo always makes me go “Awwww…”

Speaking of the morning sun, I’ve never understood this push for electricity from solar photoelectric cells. Seems to me that we really ought to just concentrate on solar heating.

The film Morning Sun attempts in the space of a two-hour documentary film to create an inner history of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.

The Sun always has some picture of a bird with big tits on page 3, and its vocabulary is fit for semi-educated morons. I hate trash newspapers.