For some reason, I dreamed that Hillary Clinton obliquely offered me a position in her administration. In my dream, there was some sort of Six-Degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon reason that we could know each other (that doesn’t exist IRL AFAIK).
But she didn’t directly offer it to me, or make any guarantees. It was strongly suggested. It’s as if she didn’t want to say something she might have to take back later. All very weird and political.
I also dreamed that they moved a lot of rocks out of the Smithsonian onto the street. This had something to do with keeping the election fair. But that part was just silly.
I hope she wasn’t offering a job last night that she will have to fire you from today
Last night I dreamed I was helping Alan Rickman arrange flowers in his perfect home that we had cut from lovely gardens in anticipation of the arrival of his true love/my sister…
Why in my very own dream would my sister get to be Alan Rickman’s true love instead of me???
It’s probably because at some point recently you must have thought, “who’s running things in her campaign?!?! Sheesh- even *I * could do a better job!”
For some reason, in my dreams, I’m uniformly left-handed. Sometimes it’s a surprise, and sometimes I just happen to be left-handed and go about my business, not realizing it until I wake up. I’m right-handed when I’m awake, at least as far as writing goes, although my dad says I was a pretty ambidextrous child and I do tend to use both hands, just for different tasks.
I attribute it to two things - my interest in politics and my interest in baseball. I came of age, politically, in the early 90s, and in the 1992 Presidential election I recall the media discussing the anomaly that all three candidates were left-handed. (I may have the year wrong, since Wikipedia doesn’t mention it as an oddity.) I also got very interested in baseball over the past few years, mostly watching Yankees games when I was living in New York City, and Joe Torre made frequent use of Mike Myers. Myers was a sidearm-delivery left-handed pitcher, which I just thought was awesome because no one else on the team pitched that way. Plus, the Yanks are traditionally a heavily lefty-batting team.
Then, of course, when I started noticing it, it probably managed to entrench itself to the point where I probably just expect to be left-handed when I’m asleep.
The other night I dreamed that some unnamed team, probably the Mets, used me as a pinch hitter in the late innings, and I proceeded to bat left and fly out in foul territory. Not unusual, since I recall being a first baseman in the dream. (I’m generally a catcher, which is just silly, since there are no left-handed catchers.) They then put me in as a position player used as an emergency reliever, at which point I shocked everyone by striking out the side with fastballs and changeups.
Which is strange, since I usually fail miserably when I pitch.