Hillary Collusion with the Russians

After months of talk and investigation, nothing has been found to proves Trump colluded with the Russians.

But, now we have information about Hillary Clinton colluding and receiving millions from the Russians while giving them 20% of America’s Uranium.

“In 2010, the Obama administration approved a controversial deal giving Russian company Rosatom partial control of Canadian mining company Uranium One (and with it 20 percent of U.S. uranium), just as Russians paid former president Bill Clinton for speeches and Hillary Clinton was secretary of State. To make matters worse, the FBI had already gathered evidence of Russian corruption in the U.S. but kept it secret just when it would have mattered most, The Hill reported Tuesday.”

Just curious to see what our friends on the Left have to say about this.

That’s for Mr. Mueller to say, not Fox or this “pjmedia” thing.

We do understand the need for remaining Trump supporters to believe in “You’re a puppet”, of course.


The investigation hasn’t finished yet. It’s only been 4 months. Did you really think it wouldn’t take time?


This sounds like another attempt at an earlier bullshit accusation:

As far as I can tell, nothing new is presented, and there’s no evidence of anything nefarious.

It’s amazing all the powers that right wingers think Hillary had. The military didn’t get to Benghazi in time because of Hillary’s orders to stand down. Yep, the military takes orders from the Secretary of State. And this deal to give away uranium- which by the way never left the country. The almighty Hillary found a way to work around the lack of an export license to send our uranium to Russia. Just amazing the power that Hillary had.

She smuggled it in her pantsuits.

2010 ? Yyaaaaaaaaaawn.

How many investigations of the four dead servicemen in Niger are there going to be, btw?

Yes, we all know.

That it’s an excellent example of what the “fake news” you’re always going on about actually looks like in practice. Nearly every statement in that article is either false or deliberately misleading (as was your statement implying that the investigations have come up empty and there’s no evidence), and even a casual fact-checking would show this. But it was published anyway, and you linked it here, anyway.

And this is why we can’t have an informed electorate or functioning government.

It’s just more evidence that Putin’s campaign to lower Americans’ confidence in their government and in democracy itself is working.

And you know he will not come back here to either rebut or acknowledge error.

So, right wingers, which talking point are you on today?

  1. Wouldn’t it be great if we could get along with the Russians? or
  2. Evil Hillary conspired with evil Russians to do evil.

You sort of have to choose one or the other… and then get your facts in order.

He’s, “just curious about what his friends on the left have to say.”

I see no reason to think he won’t read the provided links and evaluate the evidence in a fair & balanced manner.

Oh, this is a new orchestrated effort by Republicans to muddy the waters of the Russia investigation into TrumpCo.

Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is now moving these lies right along in the Jeff Sessions hearing going on right now, and he’s thrown aborted fetal tissue into the mix just in case the Hillary allegations weren’t enough meat for Teh Base™. So to speak.

It horrifies me that these ignorant jerks are actually in charge of running things.

Our friend Okrahoma also started the exact same thread. With exactly the same fundamental flaws in the “argument” presented.

What a coinkidink.

What’s bothersome is this is the kind of gibberish you see on Facebook posts from your right wing friends. But if you refute the post, the damn original post shows up on your timeline and you look like an idiot.

Facebook is nobody’s friend.

Facebook is certainly Putin’s friend

It’s almost as though they swig their effluvium from the same trough.