I usually address my Doctor as just “doctor” and if we are chatting maybe a “doc”. I do not use his name while talking to him.
Me too. But irrelevant to the case at hand.
@DSeid is a male physician hiring a female physician to work for his company. Now what etiquette applies?
My biz was different than medicine, but I called myself Captain Lastname w the staffers supporting me, but Captain Firstname to the public on the PA, in the terminal, etc.
The message to the first group was I am in charge and have the titular authority. The message to the latter was I’m human, not a Borg or Cylon clone.
Amongst my crew du jour I was mostly Firstname and so were they.
All of which was pretty typical behavior.
It’s more my noting the advice from a female physician that Firstname is often done and can be perceived as a microagression of sorts (my words not hers) while also noting that my female partners are more likely to introduce as Dr Firstname. It seems a relevant dynamic to the Kamala Hillary bit. I think. Maybe.
My own style is to err on formality until given permission not to in any case.
I think that’s less likely to be a problem than the other way around.
Strong agree. A superior never loses face being overly respectful downwards. At least in US or most Western cultures.
It shows class and style. And engenders well-founded loyalty in return.
So this reminded me I do actually have another point of reference on this issue. My sister is a public librarian who was for 25 years a children’s librarian. I recalled that she was always “Miss (Firstname)”. So I asked her take on it all.
Turns out she always used “Ms. (Firstname)” in writing it, but it often sounded like Miss to me. She also said she is familiar with some Mrs. but mostly Ms. Whatever, but it does often come out sounding like “miss”.
She also said the ņewest generation are either trying out Mx. as a genderless title, mostly not catching on, or just dropping the title altogether.
One data point.
@MandaJo, do any of those teachers swap to Mrs. when married, or do they remain Miss?
Pete Navarro wants Fox to stop calling her “Kamala.”
“When was the last time you heard somebody refer to Donald John Trump favorably or affectionately, simply as ‘Donald’? “
Yes, because no one has any affection for him.
Biden called him Donald often. A good way of avoiding the issue of calling him President or Mr.
In consonance with J.D. Vance perhaps the Democrat’s campaign team can begin referring to trump as “D.J.”
After making sure it goes viral that it means “demented jerk” not “donald john”.
Or say JD stands for Just a Dick/Dumbass/Dementor/Detc.
FTR all …
@Saint_Cad quoted a snip I later edited. The discrepancy between my post and his quote is my doing, not his.
No infraction, no harm, no foul.
Isn’t that junior modding when you mod yourself with no mod note?
For my next trick I’ll climb up my own butt & disappear completely.