I’m beside myself after a day since my nephew’s fianci graduated from tech school with a Micro Computer Specialist certificate. After attending the niece-in-law’s graduation and remembering the excitement of my first child’s graduation which was shared with my departed beloved, I’ve discovered some preparation is called for before my son’s high school graduataton school in only two more months.
The times that are happy and that are simply joyous are absolutely the depths of hell if you are not able to share the celebration with loved ones… I’ve two months two prepare for this occasion and I’ve decided to be victorious of this situation of being alone during such a milesone for my son and myself. I need and am asking for all the allies I can’t muster up between now and June 3. My pretty, precious 17 year old, son will be finishing this public school phase of his little life and the only emotion I’ll be dealing with is JOY !!!
Been a long road with my being a single parent, my son being the middle child (and only boy)… his abusive father stressing his deranged opioion that my son was not enough of a human being to be a high school graduate… AAARRRGG !!! Asshole ex-husband will be there to take whatever credit he can steal… but more than likely won’t have any true joy there, to share with others…
Hope I am I not the only one that finds being along when experiencing triumph is the hardest thing ???
But you’re not alone! You have us! Bug hugs!
Thanks VV.
Long way to go, but you have me started!!
Those are just about the most poignant words I’ve read for a long time. How true. We all know about facing bad times alone, but you’re right – good things need to be shared too.
In lieu of the traditional engraved Cross pen and pencil set (I blew my budget playing the slots last weekend), here’s some good wishes for you and your son!
Thank you !!
I was wondering about that. When pain comes, that’s what you deal with — I’ve been willing to be an island in such times, but not yet willing to be an island when I’m so happy !!! I’m really so glad you know what I’m talking about… and I’m expecting You (holding you to a promise you did not make) to celebrate with me !
Hey – no problem with the celebrating, I can celebrate with the best of 'em. I’m old though, so I might need a reminder when the big day gets close.
BTW, I see from your profile that you’re in the “deep south” – I will henceforth read your posts in the lovely accent in which ya’ll are writing them. 
I already love you… Yippee !!
I’m gonna have to smoke some pork !!
Uh, pork? I thought it was POT. To each his/her own! 
Voted most sex obsessed. (Yeah, blow me smart ass!)
Oops! Ya know, I didn’t respond to the OP: Congratulations go out to your son and you. A lot of people take that High School Diploma lightly; I don’t. I didn’t get mine until I was 23. I dropped in and out of school so many times they put a revolving door on the side just for me.
With the emotional support of my mother and family (reluctantly, my father) I was able to ultimately obtain my diploma. My mother was a MAJOR help; without her, it never would have happened.
Let us know when the big day comes! I’m thinking end of June? By the way, what are the school colors? Mine were red and white. Sorta like Christmas in May.
Voted most sex obsessed. (Yeah, blow me smart ass!)
Red and White for my angel too !
Was working on a reply to the smoking pot response first… he does love it, smoking pot that is … thankfully, I think that I have (with the help of powers that be) have shown him that, momentary pleasure isn’t worth forsaking your goals. Lord knows he’s seen the after-affects of my indulgence.
Don’t have much else to say, except to express my thankfullnes to have your understanding… and the hope you’ll be with me in spirit when I’m celebrating without my major source of comfort.
Hugs and Kisses…
No, you aren’t the only one. Since losing a number of close family members, I have found a deep sense of isolation during moments of joy. It goes into your bones, even after years of ‘moving on’.
Guess it helps to know there are others, so you aren’t alone in your alone-ness.
Only, more joy upon graduation to be anticipated, after today.
The drug dogs attacked my son’s truck, Friday, therefore, calling for it to be searched. They found a roach… omg! That was enough to justify an expulsion from the school with only 25 more school days left (graduation date is 27 May).
All is well, however, since I have today enrolled him in alternative school. My son will be able to walk with his class if he does indeed pass all of his classes, stay out of anymore trouble and attend everyday of school for the remainder of the semester… a very lucky break. I’m still holding my breath though, and I’m not feeling nearly as alone, either.
I did get paid back for my slightly drunken posting indulgence of “hipp-hipp-horrah”… my car was trashed that night, when I was swirving to avoid “those dogs in the driveway”.