Some of us were sitting around the other evening wondering about the words to a well-known holiday song.
1 Over the river and through the woods
2 To Grandmother’s house we go;
3 The horse knows the way
4 To carry the sleigh
5 Through the white and drifting snow–ohh!
6 Over the river and through the woods
7 Oh how the wind doth blow!
8 It stings our nose
9 And bites our toes
10As over the ground we go!
The question is, is it true that line 1 reappears as
line 6? One of my acquaintances says that this is impossible because songs aren’t written that way, there must
be different words for line 6. I say there must be many songs that have two stanzas and the first line of both stanzas is the same. Help! so we know what we are to do
as we go to Grandmother’s for Christmas whoops I mean
for the Holidays; we are hiring the sleigh soon.