Homer, I owe you an apology...

Homer, I apologize for chastising you yesterday for what I perceived as unwarranted rudeness to a newbie. I have now read my way through Sublime’s entire oeuvre and I now understand where you were coming from. Your rudeness was completely warranted, and I was out of line to call you on it. Obviously you have had much more experience with this sort of thing, and I shouldn’t have butted in. Sorry. :o :frowning:

In my defense, all I can say is that when I posted the link to the Offspring website for him, I was not aware of the scope of the problem. We all have those “can’t find the website” days, and I was just trying to be helpful to someone who actually had fewer posts than I did.

Ahh, everyone’s allowed to lash me a few times. I don’t mind too much. :slight_smile:

But the apology is appreciated. Thanks.


You can’t accidently create a handicapped baby whilst smoking pot.