Homer is PittBullDawg?

If this doesn’t bring Stevicus to the board, nothing will!

Fluff yer hair Beula, I’s feelin frisky - M.S.

Pardon me, I just got this great flashback to a Lea Delaria album.

“[reading card] 'My woman - ’ Listen to this, ‘maaaaaaaaaaah wuhman -’”

Your advice on how to treat yuuuurrrr wuhman is lost on me, PBD. Or do you have some advice as to how to treat maaaaaaah man? Or does that make me one of those

whom you so despise?

Gods, I’m glad I live in Canada.

{{Know what I really, really hate? When restaurants serve ketchup in those squeeze bottles, but they don’t clean them and that crusty goo builds up on the opening and no way you want the contents on any food substance you’re planning to ingest.


What thinking person would put ketchup on good food, anyway? I can see smothering fast food junk with ketchup…but if I’m eating that stuff, I want to enjoy the full flavor of the grease.

Lynn the Packrat

I have to disagree with some folks here, the worst thing is when someone steps on a ketchup packet on the beige carpet in the living room, and doesn’t clean it up right away. That stuff never wants to come out.

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)


The worste thing is stepping on one in the car!!


The very worst thing of all… hang on, someone’s at the door.

A seminar on time travel will be held two weeks ago.

The best thing to do with ketchup packets is:
Fill a paper bag up with them, light it on fire, put it on your good friends doorstep, and ring the bell. Then run like heck while the hilarity ensues.
OK, it’s supposed to be dog shit or something, but you get the point :slight_smile:

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
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