Golly, now that I see how things are going, I want to apologize (and apologize in advance) to all and sundry. I might have said things that someone took offense at, and I see now that would be wrong. I might have made a joke or sarcastic remark, but I see now that such would open me to lawsuits from Canada and to ill-feeling from so many kind-hearted posters.
So, I apologize if I ever said anything that anyone took even the remotest offense at. For example, in the past, I may have expressed negative opinions about bigots, Holocaust-deniers, racist scum – er, sorry, good-hearted lovable racists, any of those folks. I see now that was wrong, I should not ever offend anyone, anywhere, nor make anyone the butt of any jokes or sarcastic remarks.
I was holding a door open for a woman carrying some packages, and she yelled at me for being a sexist pig, and thinking she couldn’t open the door for herself… and that, together with the recently expressed wisdom of so many on this board, has convinced me that I should never do anything that might ever, even remotely, annoy someone. Or aggravate them. Or do anything contrary to their absolute expectations. Or even come into their sight, I suppose. Or say a word to them.
I’ll try to be better at not making jokes or wisecracks or sarcastic remarks, ever ever EVER again.
Well it is about time. I have refrained from demanding an apology from you becuase I have been seething with rage over the variety of effensive attacks you have launched against me.
Now that you have apologized, we can be friends.
Oh, and I caught that little innuendo about mulatto touchtypists in your OP. This is your first warning.
disclaimer: I KNOW you guys are being sarcastic, I GET your point, I think you’re all very funny/amusing/nice people, etc., etc. Also, while I’ve read all the posts about what I’m sure this is in response to, I’m not offering my opinion on what has actually happened, just about stuff in general.
I think it’s just an interested thing to think about: where’s the line? (and not just on this board…in life in general)
Obviously, nobody gives a shit if you make a joke that offends neo-Nazis, baby-killers, etc.
Is a Black guy overreacting by being offended, though, if someone makes a racist joke and then tags onto the end of it, “It’s all in fun…I don’t mean anything by it.”
There is a line, somewhere. Where is it?
(I want to repeat, I’m not offering any opinion about any real events. I speak only in theory.)
Point of clarification: Obviously, some of the evils perpetrated by our society and others go beyond offensive to criminal and inhumane (slavery for one).
I guess I just don’t see what Bill Clinton apologizing 300 years later (or the Pope 1,000 years later) does.
Some people are really into symbolism, I guess. Not that there’s anything WRONG with that…
“We are here for this – to make mistakes and to correct ourselves, to withstand the blows and to hand them out.” Primo Levi
Okay, since someone around here is bound to be pissed off because they perceive an implication that they can’t take a joke, let’s just get that out of the way right now, shall we?
CKDextHavn, I am insulted by your insinuation that I and others have no sense of humor. I’ll have you know that I can indeed take a joke, it’s just that I have found none of the sarcastic and offensive remarks here to be the slightest bit amusing. The use of humor on the SDMB should be limited to knock-knock jokes and patently inoffensive jokes about the intolerance of other people and their subsequent diminished mental capacity and questionable ancestry. Any attempts to employ sarcasm, irony, or satire to make any sort of point should result in immediate and eternal revocation of a contributor’s privileges here. Most especially if I find that it hits a wee bit too close to home regarding myself, my attitude, and/or my beliefs.
(your name here)
There. Done. Can we all catch the next train to reality now?
(The really really sad thing is that there are actually people out there who do think this.)
CK you offend me in the fact that you have never acknowledged my presence on this board in any aspect. You have ignored my wit and humor, not to mention the fact that I am single and indeed sending sexual reference emails to most males on this board. Although I think a few have deleted them without reading them, especially the married males. At any rate I demand the respect and acknowledgement due to an SD poster.
** Sigh. So many men, so few who can afford me ** Original by Wally
I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.
WHAT? I said I was leaving. Doesn’t anyone care? No? Ok.
Guess I’ll stay. Maybe. But you all watch yerselves, or I WILL LEAVE! I PROMISE!
That movie taught me some important lessons in life. 1. I can build a robot that loves me. 2. I can reanimate my dead girlfriend by jamming bits of metal and silicon into her skull. Both are lessons I use on a daily basis…
Revised Disclaimer: No offense was intended in any way, shape, or form, towards anyone/no one, anywhere/nowhere, whatsoever. I apologize to anyone/no one who may or may not have, did or did not think, hear, say, or feel otherwise.