Homosexuals, atheists, liberals, and death penalty opponents should be executed.....

Sorry, whuckfistle, but he’s a fine product of the state of Georgia.

No offense intended to residents and former residents of Georgia who don’t have their heads up their asses.

I’m an atheist libertarian. As I don’t think Our Boy Bobby can understand the difference between libertarian and `libber-heroin’, I guess I’d die twice.

Making me in a league with James Bond, I’d suppose.

Oh, and read his Article 1. His rant against Santa is pretty good. It has all of the ambiance of a daring expose, but it’s what we all figure out by age twelve.

In Article 2, he advocates the use of the death penalty as a means of population control. I’m for the death penalty, but that’s just insane.

In Article 4, he says that, basically, Bobby Kennedy killed himself by swearing to uphold and defend the Constitution:

(I’m watching Metropolis, by the way. The really good Kino restoration, the one with the original score and all of the existant footage. Just so no-one thinks I’m a complete loser. ;))

In a different section, the Loony says:

(Emphasis his.) Yep, I say those exact words every time I sacrifice a floppy to Moloch, Set, and Baal (the legal firm I deal with). It has to be blood red and contain images of kitty porn interleaved with Christian alpha and omega channels. Siamese kitties are prefered.

My hands deny truth all the time. My head has nothing to do with it, of course.

There’s a lot of looniness there. So, since I don’t accept divine authorship of the Ten Commandments, I must think that a great human authored them. But any great human cannot be an atheist? Is that what he’s saying? Is he saying that someone greater than any atheist must have written The Ten Commandments?

I think he is, but that still doesn’t dovetail with his view that they must be of divine authorship. It dovetails nicely with his looniness, however.

He returns to the theme:

Eh, the deep wisdom and righteousness proves divine authorship? Anyone who wrote the Ten Commandments must have been more intelligent than any non-believer? I think that’s the gist. The two still don’t really mesh, though: It’s perfectly possible to have a great human and not have a god.

Backing away, nodding and grinning…

Well, he’s loony tunes, no doubt about that. It’s a wonder such people can still have enough on the ball to stay out of prison.

This guy is Dr. Bronner’s evil twin.



You are a bunch of morons.

The above was a lame attempt to a joke, but seriously people… Have you considered that maybe there’s someone laughing at us. Maybe this guy typed all this nonsense in the same spirit that kids scribble insults in bathroom stalls? I have considered that possibility because believing that someone just enjoys the attention is much easier than believing there’s ONE person in the world THAT delusional.

But don’t mind me, carry on.

This would give me more reason to make fun of him than if he were serious. Your point?

I like these tidbits from the SoL page…

Freedom to make a living off foolish, vain and immoral employment.

Freedom for women to foolishly seek to be equal with men.

Freedom to practice obstetrics and gynecology as a male physician.
Sounds good to me?

My point is that making fun of him is fun anyways, but wouldn’t we feel stupid if he’s laughing at us for believing that he really meant all that. I mean people, nobody can be THAT moronic and have survived to adulthood, can anyone?

So this is what happens when the time cube guy gets religion.
Honestly, people, there’s enough stupidity in the world without wallowing in it. He’s a moron with web access. It’s not like he’s rare or precious in this regard, and it’s not like we’ll do anything productive or cathartic by examining his excretions in detail.

I’m not sure if I’m going to die two times or three.

I’m a liberal and a death penalty opponant.

I’m not technically a lesbian, but I am a single woman of thirty with short hair and sensible shoes, so I suppose he’d probably execute me based on the assumption that I am.

Ironically, I’m also a Christian, which means that there is a sense in which this man is my brother. I feel a lot more kinship with assorted gay people, atheists, conservatives, and death penalty advocates on this board, though.

But as a death penalty opponant, I do not think he should be executed.

Who gives a fuck what he thinks?

Mighty_Girl: That’s always the dilemma, isn’t it? Is it Real or is it Memorex… wait, that’s `Is it Real or is it Showmanship?’ Sorry.

There are people like Gene Ray, the inventor of the Time Cube page (Google it if you’ve never had the pleasure). We know he’s crazy: He’s done the lecture circuit arguing about his ideas, which are, on the whole, completely incoherent. He’s never once `let on’ in any way, after what’s been years of people asking him if he’s really serious. Gene Ray is delusional.

There are people like those who created the website that promoted Bonzai Kittens. They got their jollies from putting people on. It was obvious that the page was a joke to anyone who knows anything about physiology, but there are a lot of ignorant people on this Earth. Those people are odd, but not to the point of insanity.

So, what is Robert T. Lee? Is he a nutcase or a joker? I think he’s a nutcase. His particular rantings bear a resemblance to those like Fred Phelps (of the Westboro Baptist Church) and, to a lesser extent, Pat Buchanan and Jerry Falwell (of the Moral Majority). He can be singled out as an extreme representative of a group of extreme-Conservative Christian wingnuts that have been prevalent, in this incarnation, since the 1980s. (Those from the 1920s Revivalism movement were different in form, if not in general message.)

Furthermore, there’s no hint of a smirk in his style. As I read it, they’re disorganized ramblings with recurring themes and loose `plots’ centered on vast Evil Groups that want to harm the author. In other words, the classic style exhibited by the delusional. I’m not a doctor, but I think it’s fairly obvious.

I think he’s a joker. I’ve seen the page before, and I sort of half remember that it was thoroughly debunked as a satire site. I could be wrong, but I’d be willing to bet up to and including $46.32 that it was created by a guy aged 23-34 who is a liberal atheist software developer from Jersey.

In which case I doff my chapeau to the guy.

I gotta get killed four times? Geez, gonna be a rough day for me. :slight_smile:

vanilla, since no one else has commented on this:

I thought that was fuckin’ hilarious.

Carry on.

Twisted logic? Nah! Poetic justice.

Getting killed is like loosing your virginity: once you’ve done it once, it doesn’t hurt as much and there’s usually less blood.

Strange, I don’t remember the hurting and the bleeding when I lost mine.

::thinks… perhaps I didn’t do it right::

YEAH!!! I got all four!!!

I’m so proud…

I’d be interested to see your source for that if you can remember it. Are you sure you aren’t thinking of the Landover Baptist guys, though?

I did find this article on the “Nuwaubian” movement which refers to “[a] Putnam County minister, Robert Lee, [who] publishes a vehemently anti-Nuwaubian newsletter condemning the group as satanic and has led marches protesting their development”. (The Network Solutions WHOIS search for “tencommandments.org” comes up with Robert Lee and an address in Eatonton, Georgia, which is in Putnam County.) It sounds to me like he’s real, all right.

I’m bisexual, but I don’t think this guy makes a difference either way. I’m a quadro-executee waiting to happen.