I’m going under the knife on Fri. Its another orthopedic/arthritis/football injury thing. I had a knee replacement a year and a half ago, and I spent all my down-time learning the math and strategies for several video poker games. It paid off, because I am up quite a bit this year. I also blew alot of time on Poker Stars, which I understand isnt possible for US citizens anymore.
Anyway, I’m going to be down for about 8 weeks, and I’m hoping I can find something productive to do with my time. I really like this place, but I fear that I could prove to be rather annoying if I were to spend too much time here and increase my involvement.
I love to read, and it would seem to be a perfect opportunity to catch up on some things, but I know from the last time that the pain meds reek havoc on my attention span. Any suggestions for a way a bipolar, but stable individual can pass the time would be appreciated.
If I do become a pain in the ass, I’m sorry in advance.
Dont worry about becoming a nuisance. In our own ways, we all are ;). What kind of literature are your looking at, if reading?
Snake Plissken? I thought you were dead.
Good luck with your surgery! I meant to say that last night but…didn’t.
Thanks, It’ll go fine, I’m an orthopedic surgery vet. I’m just glad its not a knee.
I’ve been reading alot of fluff lately. Rockstar bios and Steven King. I have Mark Twain’s autobiography. I’ve been looking forward to starting that one, but I never have any good stretches of time, and I hate having to put them down once I get going.
…Yeah Johnny, I get that alot. heh
Ok, already home. they did an ankle block so I get to be pain-free for about 24 hours, then the percocet fun starts.
I assume you’ve read the Keith Richards autobiography “Life”. A great read if you haven’t.
Yes, I just read it. Thanks for the suggestion though. I’ve decided to take the plunge into my Mark Twain Autobiography. I’m also going to plow through a good portion of my music collection. I must have a couple hundred records, and cds that I havent listened to in years, if not decades. It might be fun to just take a couple weeks and veg.
Might get a bell to ring, to which the missus will spring into action in carrying out my every need… or not.
Have you read ‘Whale Music’ by Paul Quarrington and/or ‘Espedair Street’ by Iain Banks? Well written biographies of fictitious rock stars.
Happy recovery.