Horrible Story—Hilarious Name

I am not trying to make light of this horrible murder—but I would be remiss not to gape, goggle-eyed, at the name of one of the suspects:

(1010 WINS) NEW YORK—Two men have been arrested in the death of a teenage girl found strangled in her legal guardian’s Harlem apartment, police said Wednesday. Kenneth Smith, 24, and Parris France, 22, were arrested on charges of second-degree murder in the death of Tyisha McCoy, police said . . .

Parents had a sense of humour.

Who? Dijon and Evian?

OMG, Kenneth Smith!! Ken SMITH!!! BWAAAAH hahahaha!!


Oh wait, Parris is a guy!

How classical!

The University of Memphis had a basketball player for a few seasons named Paris London.

Yes, really. Paris London.

I went to school with a girl named Anita Holiday, also 2 twins named Yankee and Rebel. To the best of my knowledge, none of these ladies have axed anybody. At least nobody who didn’t have it coming.

I went to high school with a guy named Justin, with the middle name Case. He had insisted for years that it was true, but I never believed him until he had to bring in his birth certificate for driver’s ed. Sure enough, Justin Case. He said that his dad was stoned when he came up with it.

Silly me, the first thing that came into my head was:

I see London,
I see France,
I see Parris’ underpants.

If Parris France married Paris Hilton, and they hyphenated their names and went by the better known of the two, we’d have the Paris France-Hiltons, a couple sure to have a spare room for out of town guests. And they could name their kids Marseilles and Riviera.

A stoner friend of mine once said, whilst stoned, that he wanted to have two sons and name one Joe and the other Toe. The reason being his surname is King.

I knew a guy back in my hometown named Paris. His sister? Helen.

Kinda disturbing when you thought about it.

Truly disturbing.

Just as all of the Freedom Fries France bashing has died down something like this has to happened.

Imagine the international tension we’ll be facing as people start calling for Parris France to be put to death. :eek:

I have a friend named Palace Stepps. Palace was a family name. I THINK his mother re-married, and his stepfather adopted him, so I don’t think he was given that name at birth. I could be wrong.

There’s a young man in town here called Sonny Skies…he apparently endures it with good humour.

If he were a long-time arsonist suspected of a new wave of crimes, people might be moved to ask “Is Parris burning?”

You’d think just an ass whippin’ would be punishment enough.

I once went out with a guy who had the last name Schmear.

He wanted to name his first kid “Pap”.

Yeah, like they could spell spell Marseilles or Riviera (hell, who thought Paris has two Rs?). They’d end up with some travesty like “Marshays” or “Revyara.”

this thread.

It a thread about how a US pilot killed some Canadians in a friendly fire incident and how the ‘military justice’ system seems to not be working very well.

The Canadians were in Afghanistan fighting with us.

But the unit the Canadians came from?

The Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry
Oh I’m sure that strikes fear in soooo many people that they never even have to fight.