"Horrified" woman holding "baby": latest mortgage eyecatching attempt

I refuse to link to it, but you’ve probably seen it. I have gotten good at tuning them out, but my eye wandered this time.

An apparent evolution of those “shocked to discover she’s been caught on candid camera dancing her her cube” little video loops.

Clutching the “baby” in her arms, this new lady loops through a moment of wide-eyed gasps and grimaces of apparent abject horror. All the while clutching what is obviously a doll wrapped in a blanket.

Why must reading a news article on abc.com feel so much you’re walking through the county fair midway full of carnies?

But more importantly, nothing (aside from the instinctual response of my peripheral vision), makes sense to me about such ads. I understand that they’re apparently successful and profitable, it is the why they are successful and profitable that I do not at all understand. It would imply that there are people who are actually compelled to read the add, and click on it, with a few people actually refinancing their mortgage…via a company who advertised for your patronage with an over-acted and obviously staged gimmick of a screaming woman…holding a doll that is supposed to be an infant.

How long until these ads are running with content from one of those Mexican tabloids, with half-bloated murder victims laying in the gutter. Seriously. wtf?


My thoughts exactly. The whole concept is a big “huh?”

I’m talking about those tupid “lower your monthly payments” mortgage online ads with video. The same variety that uses the line-dancing silhouette cowboys or a woman pretending to be caught on tape while dancing in her cubicle.

Ah. I see. I’ve gotten so good at ignoring that stuff that I don’t even notice the difference between my browser at home with Adblock and the one here at work that displays all the ads.

I wanna know what’s up with the one that shows three chicks doing some kind of sinuous dancing in a line. Looks like it’s in a gym. Cheerleader tryout?

Ah. I’m so glad I have no idea what you’re talking about. Hoorah for Adblock!

I’ve been trying to figure that ad out for weeks, ComeToTheDarkSideWeHaveCookies. If it were a home invasion prevention product I could understand the woman’s abject horror, but it’s for lowering interest rates. The only theory I can come up with is that there’s a secret clause in the contract that says you need to give up your firstborn to get the lower rate, and she’s just discovered they’ve taken her baby and replaced it with a doll.

Link? Cite? Anything?

Cus I have no bloody idea what this is about.

Here’s a youtube compilation video:

er, ok. So they’re internet ads for…something to do with mortgages then. :o Meh, I use adblock, I never see shit like this online.

Series of (crappy camera phone) stills of ad that prompted the OP.

Oh the things I find myself doing to help Friday go faster…

Yes, adblocking software is great. But sometimes I feel inclined to take a look at what Joe Sixpack might be seeing when he surfs the web. And sometimes what Joe Sixpack is seeing (and apparently clicking/reading/buying) makes so little sense that I swear I can feel the suction into the black hole of his mind.

No joke… I had no idea they still made ads like this.

Hie thee to Adblock!

I generally block them out as well but this one pinged my WTF meter.

You know what always bugged me about the “shocked to discover she’s been caught on candid camera dancing her her cube” one? She brings her hands to her face before she discovers the camera. Gah!