Loved it. Vintage, devious House at the end. Wilson’s expression was indeed priceless! House and Wilson = Lucy and Charlie Brown, with Wilson always making the run at the football, and House always jerking it away at the last second.
The quick wrap-up was frustrating, though. I’d hoped they would have made it a little more intricate and convoluted to get some satisfaction out of the whole drawn-out Tritter arc. Three weeks until the next epi!?
I loved it when the judge exasperatedly told Tritter to just deal with whatever House had done to set him off.
I’m glad this particular arc is over, it was getting tremendously tiresome. But they’ll find a way to re-insert Tritter, I’m sure; Tritter is now too ingrained to just be - over.
What the heck is up with Cameron? She’s just confusing at this point. And I agree - get a new stylist in there pronto, because something’s got to be done about the hair. She had great hair and it suddenly looked like someone hacked away at it with a kitchen knife.
So - how long until Tritter comes down with the mysterious, baffling disease du jour and House is the only one who can diagnose him?
“Tritter, it gives me no small amount of pleasure to inform you that you have End Stage (insert horrific, rare, painful disease here) and you’ve got six months to live. The last three will be extremely painful as you die a slow, excruciatingly painful death as your insides get gooified. Here’s a list of doctors who might be willing to write you a scrip for pain medication. Here’s to hoping they give you a 21-gun salute at your funeral. They are *so * cool!”
If House felt better after taking the placebos, it could have been some sort of effect the placebos had on him. Maybe they could call it “The Placebo Effect” or something.
But, forgetting the placebo issue, back to my other question: how does the fact they were placebos get House off the hook?
I think it was the whole thing. From the judge’s perspective, not having been there for any of the backstory, here was a doctor so valuable to his staff that they called him in court. So valuable to the hospital that the head knocker testified for on his behalf. Walked with a limp and cane — obviously in pain. Came back voluntarily after his emergency. And made no attempt to suck up like any guilty-feeling person would have.
Meanwhile, she’d just got done with Eddie the Crack Dealer and had Billy the Wife Beater coming up on her docket. She knew this was all trumped up bullshit from a sloppy investigation. And she treated it that way.
No one’s calling bullshit on bribing a rehab worker? I mean, don’t you tihnk people try to do that ALL THE TIME? I don’t catch the show very often, but this sort of thing makes me glad I don’t.
House is a “respected” and powerful doctor at the hospital where this rehab worker guy works. He can probably do more for “Voldemort” than your average Joe Addict could.
The program requires House to be on drugs. It is a constant for them to play off of. If he gets clean the tenor of the show changes. It becomes another doctor show.When it gets near the end they can deal with it differently. But he still has a supply problem. Why can’t he get it off the street like any other junkie. That would be a story line for them.
My only regret with this episode, is that I would have gotten even more satisfaction if the judge was played by Judy. I just loved the scene where House essentially told the judge that he didn’t give a fuck about her authority.
House still has a problem. Look for Tritter to show up near the end of the season.
House should be able to get his drugs from the security guard in the future. We won’t have to see him suffer this season. But that won’t go on forever.
Cuddy’s character or at least my perception of her character as weak compared to House has changed. No longer will she be dominated by House to the extent that she has been. Their give and take will be the dominant story this season.
Wilson will remain as helpless and pathetic as he was last season.
The three underling doctors will continue to share their amazement and frustration with House.
I agree. House definitely regained his composure following ingestion of those pills. I can’t see House imagining that his pain was being relieved.
On the otherhand, This is the first time I’ve seen House going into an an alcoholic stupor. At first I thought it was the pills, so why not before? Perhaps House was getting frustrated with the ineffectiveness of the pills and chose to supplement with alcohol. Now there is a moral here. If House can function with a controlled substance like vicodan and becomes a disgusting blob with alcohol, why is the use of the former so bad and the use of alcohol acceptable?
I think that House did benefit from the rehab, and that the whole event helped him to realize a few things… His getting ‘some’ vicoden does not mean he was getting all that he was getting before… and he did seem more balanced overall… so perhaps the rehab helped him get back into control over it.
In the earlier parts of the ep… he seemed to be going thru genuine withdrawel stuff.
Its been well established that, for him, the Vicoden is what he needs… not just what he wants.
The Flying Dutchman - I don’t know if it makes a difference, never having been an addict, but House normally takes vicodin. The drugs he stole from the dead guy were oxycodone. Maybe the difference, in addition to the fact that he’d partially detoxed by the time he got them, caused the OD.
Vicodin is hydrocodone bitrartrate and acetaminophen, the biggest dose in a tablet is 10/660, that’s 10 mg of hydrocodone and 660 mg of Tylenol.
Oxycodone comes in tablets: 10, 20, 40, 80 mg dosages. So by taking oxycodone House was getting a bigger dose of the analgesic with even the smallest tablet. I didn’t see the strength on the bottle but it would stand to reason someone who was in the last stages of cancer would be on some pretty big doses, so by taking his usual two pill dose he was getting hit much much harder than he would have been normally.
Actually someone in the last stages of cancer probably wouldn’t be on oxycodone to begin with but on some sort of pump or IV or other injectable med, but that’s a nitpick, it was a plot point after all.
Speaking of which, they gave the patient 2 mgs of lorazepam to sedate him and get him to stop choking Cameron. I have lorezapem (Ativan, which is what they usually call it on er) at home in pill form and 2 mgs would still take a few minutes to work. Is it because it’s an injection that it would work almost instantly?
On a side note: Cameron and Chase are getting married.
“Jennifer Morrison and Jesse Spencer, who co-star on Fox’s medical series House, became engaged over the holidays in Paris…Morrison and Spencer, both 27, met while filming the pilot of House in 2004…”
I guess I don’t watch the show enough to know how respected the hospital or its rehab center is purported to be, but somehow I’ll bet that people from all walks of life end up there and end up begging for medicine at some point. Trying to prearrange it only would have resulted in them looking after you even more strictly.
Well, it did happen once before. House went to Cutty for an injection of, I believe, morphine. She gave him saline, but he was able to function with no pain for a time.