Should be a big blowout tonight.
Ooh I’m stoked. Have to DVR it because it’s already on the DVR list and Big Bang Theory is on at the same time Last week’s ep had me freaking.
I don’t get it.
HOW much of the episode was supposed to have been all in House’s head? I assume not all of it, given the wedding was going on when he wasn’t there.
All the detox stuff and the stuff with Cuddy at House’s apartment were all imagined. The lipstick was imagined, and it replaced the vicodin.
Very slick episode. Had an ending like The Sixth Sense.
I knew House was crazy, but I didn’t think he was actually, you know, INSANE. Wow.
Oh, okay. I sort of thought that might be it, but there seemed to be a lot of flashbacks or whatever they were.
I thought the story arc was pretty good, but:
A. I hate HATE HATE the shaky cam shit. Hate. Did I mention the hate?
B. I’m disappointed that the Cuddy thing was a sham. They’ve been tweaking us all season that this would finally be the season where House sleeps with Cuddy, and it’s a delusion? Lame. He’d better bone her for real in the fall season premiere.
Oh, and did I mention how I hate the shaky cam?
Chase and Cameron were making a commitment while House was being committed.
At the end of Act 1 the patient falls getting out of bed and says, “I can’t walk!” Was that ever addressed again or did they cure him of that problem during the commercial?
I think this should end the show permanently. It’s an interesting note to leave on. When you use the “main character is actually crazy” arrow, you don’t have many left in the quiver.
I’m glad that he didn’t have sex with Cuddy, though. This episode was 7/8ths horrible until the end, where things were tied up nicely. I’d like to know what happened to the patient.
Also, Chase and Cameron. Really? There’s no way in fuck that should have happened. They went from off and on for breaking up to getting married what, three times in the last 5 episodes? Can’t we kill both of them off?
Well that explains the impossible 24 hour detox. I’m not sure how I feel about the story though. Was any of it real? Did he really shout he was sleeping with Cuddy? Does Wilson still think he was sleeping with Cuddy? Wouldn’t Wilson have realized there was no way to detox in 24 hours. Too many unanswered questions.
I don’t see any reason to think that the stuff with Cuddy and Wilson that we saw in this episode didn’t happen, and some of it occurred by necessity. House and Cuddy had to have had the conversation that led to his revelation, for instance. Plus, the big reveal specifically shows that the things we saw House do did happen, just that he was holding pills instead of lipstick, etc…
The only thing he hallucinated was the detoxing and sexing up Cuddy.
Of the questions you mention, only Wilson buying into the 24-hour detox seems like an issue to me.
I agree with Least Original User Name Ever that this would’ve been a good end to the series. All it was missing was a wrap-up for Foreman. Plus, where do you go from here?
I would like some clarification for what happened to the patient of the week. I must have gotten distracted or something, because I completely missed whether they figured out what was wrong with him.
The extra-strength deodorant being used constantly in an enclosed, poorly-ventilated space caused his problems.
I believe Wilson said something about love-related endorphins relieving House’s post-detox pain, but that was probably part of the hallucination. I don’t think anyone actually thought he had detoxed. After all, it was just one day, and they saw him popping pills all episode even if he didn’t realize it. He may not have even told anyone of his plans to detox, either.
So was that the season finale? I hate May.
But I love Carl Reiner!
The old man who squawked? That was Carl Reiner! Aww, he was adorable!
Let’s diagnose House… Is he paranoid? Delusional–oh, definitely.
I’m hoping someone thought to check to make sure he doesn’t have a big ol’ tumor pressing on his brain or something.
I also hope that, in the next season premiere, we don’t see that House has been committed to a Bedlam-style corrupt nuthouse that hasn’t operated in decades and that knowledgeable, well-off doctors would know not to send one of their own to. Which we almost certainly will. :rolleyes:
Edit: Another fun possibility? Remember Kutner’s unexpected suicide that no one could make sense of, and that House was at least briefly convinced must have been a murder? Well…what if, you know… :eek:
Ahhh, I missed it, dang, due to enjoyable family duties, but caught the last 10 minutes.
I thought the contrast between the light and outdoor scene of the wedding contrasted beautifully with the bleakness (where the hell did they find that mossy an institutional building ?) of the psych hospital. Seemed a bit unrealistic that Wilson would just leave House off at the door, but more dramatic that way.
Right that it would be a great ending to the series, but, the writers on this series are so good, I look forward to next season.
Diagnosing House; delusional and guilt-ridden, by drugs and “ghosts” of coworkers past, overloaded by powerful emotions.
One thing I loved, even in that scant 10 minutes, was Hugh Laurie’s intense damn eyes, the most beautiful agonizing pools of blue.
I wonder if they’re going to have House hallucinate Stephen Fry as his therapist?