House 9/13/05

No, it hasn’t aired yet. I just wanted to point out that Woohoo!! House is back!! :smiley:

I unfortunately can’t see it, nor will I be able to watch any other episodes for a while. :frowning: So give me a detailed summary, please!

Just finished watching it - I loved it. I think. This was a tough one. I will say this much - it sparked some conversation between myself and my son who very much wants to get into law enforcement. We’re both thinking right now. It’s hard for me to explain.

What did you all think?

No, I’m not doing spoilers or anything. :slight_smile:

Eh, I’m not very good at summaries, but since nobody else has responded yet:

The main case is concerning a death row inmate, who has to be brought to the hospital for further attention, which creates a security risk. Dr House is the only one who really wants to cure him, since the other doctors know he’s just going to die anyway. Meanwhile, another woman is terminally ill and the other doctors want Dr House to help her, but he refuses to because he knows there’s nothing he can do for her. This sparks Great Debate-like discussion among them. Also, the black doctor, who hates being refered to as the black doctor (and incase you can’t tell, I haven’t watched enough of this show to learn the names yet) gets upset about the death penalty since he knows that black criminals are 10x more likely to get it, and to make matters worse, the inmate (who is also black) thinks he can relate to him better than the other doctors because of his race. Anyway, turns out he had a tumor which caused random bursts of adrennalin, which might have been what caused him to kill people in the first place. Enter more Great Debate. And I think the terminally ill woman still died, but her storyline was so boring that I didn’t pay much attention

anyway, if you couldn’t figure it out from my summary, I’m still pretty new to the show. I saw it a couple times in season 1, and I am now officially a regular viewer. This show is brilliant!

The black doctor’s name is Forman. Possibly spelled some other way.

I just watched it. And I will give a summary here:

[spoiler] It starts off with Death Row Guy (hereinafter DRG) talking with another death row inmate and being led to his daily exercise session, during which he hallucinates that his 4 murder victims have come back and are verbally harassing him. Then he has a heart attack and collapses.

After the theme sequence, House goes to Cuddy’s office, only to find Cuddy now has a young male secretary—excuse me, assistant. House makes some disparaging and incredibly funny remarks to him and then barges in on Cuddy and Stacy Warner (Sela Ward’s character, House’s ex). More funny and disparaging remarks ensue, and even a little penis. Warner leaves, and House tells Cuddy he wants the DRG case (which he learned of by guessing Cuddy’s password to the hospital mainframe). He gets the case in exchange for 2 more clinic hours.

House goes to the prison, and determines that DRG isn’t getting enough oxygen, and will die within an hour if he isn’t put on a respirator. Faced with a lack of facilities at the prison, he calls Warner and gets a court order to transfer DRG to the hospital, lying to her that it was cleared with Cuddy. Trust issues ensue between House and Warner.

Cameron has a patient at the clinic who comes in reporting a cough. Cameron looks at her x-ray, and the diagnosis is clear: Cancer, and not the fun kind with balloons either. The patient is terminal. Diagnostic work begins on DRG, who wakes up in the hospital and goes nuts, ripping the rail off his bed.

Chase gets to go to the prison, and discovers that the cell DRG was in after his heart attack contains bottles of toner. House then goes to DRG’s room and starts giving him alcholic beverages. After confirming that he tried to kill himself with the toner, House tells him that the ethanol in the drinks will bind to the formic acid from the toner and he’ll pee it out harmlessly.

However, House knows that the heart attack happened before the toner drinking, so there’s still something wrong. He tries to trust Warner to not tell Cuddy, but Cuddy is Warner’s client, so Warner tells her. Cuddy confronts House, then goes to DRG’s room to pronounce him healthy and ship him out. But DRG is screaming in pain, and there’s blood coming out of his … well, you don’t want to know. So DRG stays.

Cameron, meanwhile, has been ducking, dodging, and weaving away from the responsibility of telling her patient that she’s terminal. She wants to perform more tests, under the pretense of making absolutely sure that it’s cancer, but she needs House’s approval to do one such test. House relents after Cameron agrees to take 2 clinic hours off him.

House realizes there’s an anomaly in DRG’s 4 victims. The reasons he killed the first three are apparent, albeit uncondonable, but DRG is strangely silent about why he killed his fourth victim. The explanation, a relatively unprovoked “raging out,” leads House to conclude that DRG has a small tumor on his adrenal gland, which conveniently explains every symptom. They do an MRI to find it (which is extremely painful for DRG because of the heavy metals in his prison tattoos), they find the tumor, and remove it. DRG files for an appeal on his sentence, and Foreman decides to testify for him, on the grounds that he wasn’t responsible for his actions during that fourth murder.

Meanwhile, Wilson forces Cameron to tell her patient the bad news.[/spoiler]

All in all, IMO, a totally kickass episode. And I’m already on the edge of my seat for next week’s. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Geez, I only have one problem with that episode:

A liquid toner copier in a contemporary prison? WTF?

Has anyone made a liquid toner model in the last twenty years? Even if you can keep those puppies running (and they don’t literally flame out on you if you do a run of 500 copies,) it’s damned hard to come by suppies.

My only response to that is: creative license. I happened to watch this episode with some RPI schoolmates who are well-versed in medical practices (the staff of RPI Ambulance, to be particular). During the scene wherein DRG goes nuts when he wakes up in the hospital, he rips the intibation tube out of his throat fairly easily, and I was told that ordinarily there is a pressurized air cuff on those tubes to keep them in, such that ripping them out also rips out the person’s vocal cords. :eek: :eek:

So, there you go.
If you’re wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts …

It’s too bad that the tattoo in the MRI machine myth was disproved. I usually expect them to get stuff like that correct.

House: Well … he’d know.

“We took out everything that could be used as a weapon… except, you know, a couple gallons of 180 proof methanol…”

Is it my imagination or is Cameron orders of magnitude hotter with her new hairdo?

They had to do something to compensate for the orders of magnitude increase in her obnoxiousness. Gods, I HATE that character. :mad:

But you know, it was all worth it when Wilson went all mean on her. :smiley:

I tried watching this for the first time last night and couldn’t get through it. The “House” character is too over-the-top and just doesn’t carry it off, IMO. The others are just peanut gallery actors whose main task seems to be to spend the whole time staring at him in disbelief. I don’t think I’ll be back.

What?! :eek: God no! Give me a brunette hottie or give me death!

(At least Cuddy is still smokin’)

New Rule: TV shows should no longer be allowed to close their episode with “Halleljuah!” as a poignant reminder of the blah de blah blah. Ugh.

The episode itself was fine, though.

But I guess Leonard Cohen would only sell his version of the song to “The West Wing”.

I have a question: Whats up with the Booze consumption by house at the very end? Does that make the show jump the shark or will it tie in to an addiction later? What gives?

Seeing as he is already hoked on the Painkillers and they had an episode where he does try to kick the habit and fails miserably the drinking is not worthy of being shark jumping. He has also been shown to drink quite a bit during the first season.

The formulaic nature of the show and his drug/drinking/behavioural problems, including working with his ex wife (who happens to be the reason he has to use a cane for life) are enough to make the whole thing come crashing down around all involved. However the acting (especially Laurie’s) and clever dialogue are so damned good that this is one of the best shows on TV today.

Susan Ward is his ex-girlfriend, IIRC. They were never married.