First, if you are going to iron clothes the night before, use more lighting than the light of the television.
Secondly, when you get dressed the next morning and notice that you ironed over a couple of creases on the sleeves, don’t be lazy and try to iron them out while you are wearing the shirt.
Lastly, don’t think “Ouch! That sorta hurt but I bet if I am really, really careful I can get that other sleeve without getting burned”.
Yes, both burn marks (including the one in the shape of my iron) hurt like a son-of-a-bitch.
i am under a self imposed ban on anything that is hot around the house. approx 90% of the time i have to manipulate anything hot i managed to burn myself somehow.
my advice? get someone else to do your ironing. that or buy a big tub of antiseptic cream.
See? See? This is exactly why, as soon as I get home, I change from my work clothes into a hazmat suit, leather tunic, flippers, and a welding mask. At least, that’s the reason I’m going to give from now on.
Diane should be sentenced to posting topless for one month for such a breech in intelligence.
And Ginger must go skirtless.
And ZeGirl… you are sentenced to continue being naked, but no ironing