For me: not very.
Not if Rowling’s gonna take another 1200 pages to tell 300 pages worth of story.
Not if Harry’s gonna be the same self-centered rageaholic he was in book 5.
Not if I have to wait another 2+ years, just to read about Harry going 'Er…ah…eh…er…" in between breaking every Hogwarts rule and Ministry law, including some that haven’t been thought of yet, and getting away with it, and encountering all the latest technologies, cleverly disguised with pseudo-medieval names.
Now, on that last one, I remember participating in a thread a few years ago in which people were griping about the lag time between books 4 and 5. Someone pointed out that future generations aren’t going to care how much time was between individual publications, because they’ll be reading the series in aggregate.
I don’t remember what I said then, but now I think that’s part of my point. I’m no longer so sure that this is one for the ages. I can see, thirty years from now, kids who aren’t born yet but will by then be in late elementary school, saying, “Well, I started the Harry Potter series like you said. The first three were really good, especially the third one! But I could hardly get through the fourth one, and I started the fifth one a few weeks ago, but some stuff came up and I took it back to the library without finishing it. Is it worth it to keep going?” I wonder what I would tell them if I were the one being asked.
See, another thing is, it’s okay for us adults, because we’re basically the same people we were in 1999 or whenever we started getting into this. But someone who was nine years old at that time is now fourteen, and if book 6 isn’t published until 2006, then they’ll be sixteen, and the series may not have anywhere near the same appeal for them that it once did. And again with the “future generations”, I wonder how much they’ll be inspired to start reading without the influence of hype and toys and waiting for the movies to come out. Who knows if the movies will even continue to be a draw? And some of these FG’ers may end up just watching the movies, and then being turned off by the books because “I already knew what was gonna happen”.
So my point is, are you going to snap up book 6 as soon as it hits the stores? Or do you feel now that you can take or leave it?