How bad will it be on Inauguration Day?

MAGAts may not be very bright but a MAGAT could be.

I’ll be the first to say it: weaponized drones.

Not “their” but “there”. Sorry.

Nitpick: Anwar Sadat wasn’t killed by his bodyguards. He was assassinated by a group of 4 soldiers during an annual military parade. The assassins attacked Sadat from a military vehicle that was in the parade.

Well, isn’t this the time for all the moderate and law-abiding conservatives to exercise their influence on their more hotheaded political allies, and sternly remind them that lawlessness and violent terror attacks are bad things and they shouldn’t engage in them?

Back when a lot of folks mistakenly believed that radical-Islamist terrorism was a more deep-rooted and serious threat to our society than domestic white-supremacist and militia-nut terrorism, I certainly did hear a lot of demands for moderate Muslims to rein in their violent-extremist brethren.

I’m sure that the conservatives who were making those demands will readily recognize their own responsibility to exert a similar moderating influence on their own terrorist fringe.

Well, some of the White House security is pretty advanced, almost to the point of being ridiculous.

Noted crazy person Lin Wood has been tossed from Parlar (of all places) for threatening the Vice President.

That’s not the point. Security plans for a high-profile event like a Presidential Inauguration are made by multiple existing government agencies, not the staff of the incoming President.

The military as an institution wouldn’t side with the white supremacist fascists, but sadly lots of police probably would. Then again the police officer who was beaten to death at the capitol building trying to stop the coup was a Trump supporter, but he still did his job.

I also wonder what the far right would gain from another Oklahoma city. Bombing a building full of civilians that had a daycare in it didn’t help McVeigh’s movement in the slightest. I’m guessing the MAGA groups will do more targeted forms of domestic terrorism aimed at democrats, non Trumpist republicans, antifa, etc.

The idea would be that if one creates enough chaos and fear, it creates a situation where the government is considered to be a failure and people will support changing it. You and I know it wouldn’t work like that, but true believers think they have broad support and it just takes a spark to get people to rise up.

You can take that up with President Obama. Here’s the context of the quotation from A Promised Land. I found it on Google Books:

The night before, Michael Chertoff, President Bush’s secretary of homeland security, had called to inform us of credible intelligence indicating that four Somali nationals were thought to be planning a terrorist attack at the inauguration ceremony. As a result, the already massive security force around the National Mall would be beefed up. The suspects–young men who were believed to be coming over the border from Canada–were still at large. There was no question that we’d go ahead with the next day’s events, but to be safe, we ran through the next day’s contingencies with Chertoff and his team, then assigned Axe [David Axelrod, senior advisor to the president] to draft evacuation instructions that I’d give the crowd if an attack took place while I was onstage.

That’s it. If you want to take it up with Obama, Axelrod, and the rest of Obama’s team, go right ahead. My points in post #21 stand.

Not really. The President-Elect, or his advisers, do not write evacuation orders, the GOVERNMENT itself is responsible for security.

You can believe what you like, I think you’re mistaken.


I don’t think they would but Trumpers tend to believe the military would side with them. Believing that escalating would be advantageous to them could lead to escalation, even if it ends up backfiring for Trumpers.

What did they gain with the actual OK bombing? From attacks on abortion doctors? On Jewish radio hosts? Didn’t stop them from doing it. The actors who do this are often not acting in a well-calculated way.

White supremacists have been dreading/looking forward to a race war since the '60s-'70s. They likely see BLM protests as the start of that race war.

Oh, for heaven’s sake. I don’t know what “beliefs” you’re referring to. I quoted an article that quoted President Obama. I provided the context for that article. I never expressed a belief other than to say in post #21 that I thought Obama’s concerns were for others, not himself, and were therefore the opposite of Trump’s on 1/6. I even said in post #21 that the Secret Service would probably drag Obama from the podium in the event of an attack.

I never claimed a newly-inaugurated president was in charge of writing evacuation orders. Never. I don’t know why you’re stuck on this. You think Obama and his team were wrong? Take it up with them. Please quit claiming I said something I didn’t say.

My understanding is that these agencies and officials proactively reached out ahead of time with these sorts of offers for assistance and coordination, because it would be routine in a heightened-security situation, and were perplexed when their overtures were declined.

Obviously this is still very early in a fast-unfolding and very complex event, and what facts we have are pretty squishy. But if there’s anything to this, we’ll find out fairly soon, and it will quickly become a focus of further investigation.

“Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?” :grinning:

I think the reason the military were so slow to react was that they were afraid of being roped into some kind of coup attempt by Trump.

They did NOT want Trump giving them orders to interfere with Congress. They did NOT want soldiers or national guardsmen to be manipulated into helping Trump in any way.

Nor did they want Congressmen asking them to act against Trump.

They were seriously unwilling to get involved in anything political involving Trump and the election.

They probably thought that the police and security would be able to handle things, and they just wanted to stay out of it.

Biden and Harris should not appear together in public. My advice to the security professionals is don’t be afraid to be afraid. Fear, at this moment, in your greatest ally. Paranoia too. It’s better to be proactive to a hundred threats that don’t materialize than to be blindsided by one that does.

May I draw your attention to this video, which is of a former Secret Service agent talking about Secret Service depictions in Hollywood films:

The film “Angel Has Fallen” is discussed, in which this exact scenario is employed. You’ll notice the Secret Service agent talks about it as if it is an “emerging threat”. But no way are they not prepared for this. America basically invented weaponized drones and I have no doubt that the agent’s vagueness is deliberate. I am certain they have several means for disabling, hijacking or outright destroying weaponized drones.

And I am certain that he hopes that that is the assumption we will make.