How bad will it be on Inauguration Day?

Skeet shooters stationed alongside the snipers?

nm nm nm

I predict there will be at least two more “Holy fuckety fuck! I didn’t expect that to happen!” events by the time Inauguration Day happens.

@Czarcasm, I fear you may be underestimating the I’m men ant* mayhem.

*Behold what autocorrect made of “imminent”.

Modnote: Enough of this side issue. Please drop it.

Agreed. Harris should be sworn in at a separate location like the Pentagon. If I wasn’t an Atheist I’d be praying for a massive blizzard to hit DC that day.

As a theist, you have my permission to give it a try anyhow.

(In fact, if it works, I promise not to do that raised eyebrow thing as we’re all waist-deep in fluffy white stuff.)

I think it will go off fine. Biden’s SS detail doesn’t answer to Donnie, so they should be able to do their job without interference. There’ll be the usual snipers on roofs, tons of agents everywhere, and a much smaller public crowd. Still, when the speech is over, they should hustle Biden into the limo and book it over to the White House post haste.

Oh my gosh, I just had an idea.

Jim Carrey can get sworn in! (in aviator shades to fool 'em all)
By a fake Chief Justice (what’s Dan Quayle doing next Wednesday?).

Meanwhile, real Biden and Roberts are doing the ceremony in McSorley’s Ale House down the road…

Anyone who wants credit (and probably a Medal of Honor) can send this to The Powers That (Will) Be.

OK, I was going to start a thread for Predictions of what will happen from the 17th (when there are supposed to be protests at all the State Capitals through the 20th (Inauguration Day). But it seems this thread is suitable for this, albeit I will be looking a few days back (the OP didn’t know about the ‘plans’ for the 17th when this thread began.

So, my predictions:

  1. There will be protests in all the state capitals, ranging from a few dozen (in solidly Republican states like Alabama and Mississippi) to over a thousand people, many of them armed, in states like Oregon, Georgia, and Michigan.

  2. In most if not all states, there will be more than sufficient force to deter the protesters. I believe the Governors, be they Republican or Democrat, have had quite enough of this B.S. and won’t hesitate to bring out the National Guard or other area police departments to hem in and contain the protesters with overwhelming numbers.

  3. In most cases, that will be enough, there are really only a small number of hard-bitten radicals out there, the rest talk loudly on their favorite type of Media but have no desire to go up against armed and ready police/Guard units that outnumber them. So say in 40-42 of the states the crowds are loud and profane but ultimately peaceful.

  4. In 8-10 states, however, I expect they’ll try to make a push for the State Capital (or whatever building they have targeted) and find that the Police/Guard units have also had enough of them, whatever the individual’s cop’s feelings might be, and they’ll encounter a “BLM type response” that will shock and dismay them. They’ll be dispersed (and many arrested) and the rest will bug out of town as fast as they can and hope nobody saw thier faces.

  5. But in 2-3 states (If I had to predict, Michigan, Oregon and maybe one of the more conservative states in the NW (Montana, Idaho), shots will be exchanged and people (mostly protesters) will die. Again, the cops and Guard will not be fooling around. This is the prediction I most hope won’t come true, but if the protesters meet real opposition in the states (something they haven’t seen), one of the ‘true’ radicals may open fire to try and start his dreamed-of Civil War. What he’ll do is get people killed and others will die as the mob tramples them to escape (this is not an organized movement, this is a mob and they will act accordingly).

  6. There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth from all sides of the political spectrum, and some people will say that the Inauguration should be postponed or held in some hidden/secure place. To his&hers Credit, Biden and Harris will reject this as giving into terrorism and insist on the 20th going off as planned.

  7. And that said, it will go off without significant issues. Why? For one, the police (both Capitol and D.C. City), along with the FBI, National Guard, and others were thoroughly embarrassed by the 6 January Insurrection and they will flood the area with whatever they need to secure the streets and capitol area. You think the picture from the BLM protests earlier this year were overkill? Just wait. The Inauguration will go off without a hitch, Biden will make an excellent speech, and the nation will breathe a sigh of relief.

  8. But the cops and the rest won’t have that much to do. The protesters know now that they’re being watched closely, that appearing in D.C. will get them eyeballed and approached by large (and to them, hostile) forces and the odds of arrest are high. Plus if the events I mention above come to pass, 95% of those “Patriots” will be sitting in their living rooms complaining loudly but not going anywhere there might be violence where they could be shot. Apparently dying for the cause is not in their playbook when dying is a real possibility.

I have no crystal ball and it may be that none of what I have written will come true. But the OP wanted to know how bad it will be, so this is what I’m predicting.

IMHO as always. YMMV

I think in at least one state they will get thru, sadly.

Well, except for New Jersey. Even terrorists are afraid of going to Trenton.

I think your predictions are spot on. The FBI says there will indeed be protests in all 50 states. CNN is reporting that the Pentagon has ordered an additional 10,000 National Guard troops to DC. That’ll make it over 16,000 National Guard troops. I’m betting that not only will the Secret Service be present , but that their elite Counter Assault Team will be close by.

Today starts a new legislative session here in Washington State. Since protestors breached the security fence at the governor’s mansion last Wednesday, there was no messing around today: after threats were made, 750 National Guard troops were stationed at the capital complex, and fencing kept the public away from the buildings. The state House will conduct the rest of the legislative season remotely. I believe state Senate members are going to have a mix of both.

And this is the one thing I’ll add to your predictions, Stainless Steel Rat: Security will have to continue to be heightened indefinitely. Virtual viewing of remote sessions will become standard.

I was reading this HuffPost article, “House Democrats Briefed On 3 Terrifying Plots To Overthrow Government”, and this passage stood out to me:

One topic of discussion was the need to put every member of Congress through a metal detector before the inauguration. A member on the call told HuffPost that there was an “eyes-wide-open realization” that Capitol Police needed to take precautions against “all these members who were in league with the insurrectionists who love to carry their guns.”

“You can’t just let them bypass security and walk right up to [Joe] Biden and [Kamala] Harris at inauguration,” this lawmaker told HuffPost.

Jesus Christ, we’re living in a Tom Clancy novel.

Will the White House be cleaned, debugged, and sanitized by then? The Orange Turd doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to vacate. (Though I’d love to see the Secret Service dragging him out of there at 11:59am on the 20th.)

They could probably helicopter Biden to Camp David instead if they needed to.

This “interesting times” shit is getting tiresome. I long for some good, old-fashioned boredom.

After learning that the insurrectionist mob included some from the military and police, I’m not as confident. Will a rogue policeman decide to shoot someone? Have the MAGAbots infested the FBI and/or Secret Service? Biden needs to give his speech behind a bulletproof shield.

I keep wondering why “Sleepy Joe” is an insult. I can’t wait to go more than five minutes without even thinking about what the President is up to.

I’m expecting to see the White House enclosed in one of those exterminator’s fumigating tents on the 20th.