And don’t forget, as of Dec. 23 Bush and the Repub Congress killed unemployment funds for 900.000 Americans, while simultaneously voting themselves pay raises.
Oh, Bush has fixed the economy alrighty. He has fixed it GOOD.
Oh, wait, we didn’t, did we? Less than half the sorry sons of bitches who bother to vote, voted for Bush. The real blame lies in the people who don’t bother to vote. They don’t deserve freedom. It is a sorry state of affairs that their lack of the freedom they don’t deserve doesn’t make me at all happy. They, on the other hand, are such sorry idiots that they don’t realize it.
Seems like a dash of the old Ronald Reagan - voodoo economics courtesy of Bush Sr. Dang, who was it that said the more things change the more they stay the same?
Oh, please. The phrase “partisan bickering” is such a cheap shot. I have substantive differences with the way the Repubs run things. I air those differences. You may call me “partisan” though my allegiance to the Dems is lukewarm at best. But just because it’s partisan, or politically slanted, doesn’t make it “bickering.”
Let’s hope he truly understands the lessons his father learned the hard way. As much as I’d like to see a political blunder that boots him out of office in 2004, I’d still prefer a good economic boost as soon as possible so I can get a job.
Perhaps not. But that’s the way I read this thread; it’s a gripe, a bitch, a rant, a complaint, a beef, a bleat, a disapprobation, a clamor, an outcry, a deprecation, a bellyache, a collywobble . . . whatever. Mild yes, but Pit fodder nonetheless.
I assumed if you wanted some kinda debate, you’d have started this in Great Debates. Since you elected to not do that . . . here it lies. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I throw rants about Democratic misdeeds to the PIT, too. Or Libertarian, or Independent, or Bull Moose, Socialist, Jacobin, Trotskyist, Facist, Falangist, and probably even Fabian . . . You gettin’ the drift? Anyway, I more prefer to be identified as a Mugwump than a Republican sycophant.
As long as I’m one of the rich. You betcher pimply ass.
I still don’t understand why in an alledgedly free country, it is the Government’s responsibility to “fix” the economy in the first place. Market economies generally find ways to fix themselves.
I agree with this sentiment… which begs the question why Bush is trying to “fix” it in the first place, with his tax cuts and “stimulus packages.” Never mind that all of his proposed methods of “fixing” it benefit his rich buddies, while ignoring (or hurting) the less fortunate.
I think the problem here is how we’re definig “fix.” The definition most of us are using is this one:
Or perhaps this one:
These aren’t the definitions Bush is using, though… when Bush talks about a “fix” for something, such as the economy, here’s the definition he’s using:
Partisan bickering is a good thing. The only way to avoid it is to have a one-party system where everybody either holds the party line or is an enemy of the state.
I’m not an economist, but the free market economy you refer to is no longer a system unto itself. This may have been true 40 years ago, but it’s becoming less true all the time. This (meaning the US) market economy is now just another cog in a much larger machine.
For many business, particularly for durable goods, competing with other economic powers is going to be a long bloody war. Once, emerging economies relied on low labor cost to compete. So long as the technology was high enough, and efficiency offset higher labor costs, the damage was minimal. However, a couple decades have lapsed since we first learned this, and those advantages have eroded.
This in and of itself is bad enough, but OEM/CEM pressure to supply ever cheaper sub-components and consumer refusal to allow prices to stabilize have fueled the shifting of many industries overseas.
How do you fix it? I haven’t got a clue, but it is my opinion it will not self repair. What is being done about? I still haven’t got a clue. It looks like very little.
If partisan bickering is serving some sort of purpose, than it would be worthwhile. But, this is simply a post decrying the evils of the Bush administration by trying to say that the release of negative or undesirable news at a time when it might be overlooked is somehow yet another vile act by Bush instead of a public relations move that has been repeated countless times by any number of groups.
Sometimes, bad news is released at a time when it is more likely to be overlooked. Sometimes it’s just a function of timing. Regardless, it’s probably not something to get the dander too riled up.