How can I change my username?

I’ve searched the FAQs, and I gather one has to write the mods, but there’s no specific info on it. Help, please? :confused:

You e-mail the lovely TubaDiva with a polite request to have your username changed. It is probably wise to put SDMB in the subject line, to distinguish your mail from the gazillions of spam she received daily. Then you sacrifice a bar of quality chocolate, pray to the gods, and send me $ 100.

All right, I’ve heard you can skip the latter part, I mean everything starting from the chocolate (damn those free riders).

Don’t be surprised if you have to wait several days to have it take effect; Tuba is a busy bee. It took a week for my request to be processed (but then, I didn’t sacrifice any chocolate). Then one glorious morning you log on to the SDMB and see in the top right corner, Welcome back, [name of your choice].. Top ten moment of your life, that is.

Do you have a new name already? Otherwise Mangetout will be over shortly to provide you with suggestions. I like his Chicken of Bristol.

Thanks, Tuscalan. I do have a name in mind, but need to make sure it’s not taken first – I guess I just do a search for that name, eh? Not to worry, I’ve got the quality chocolate ready and waiting. And I’ll ship your virtual $100 to you immediately upon my name change.

I can hardly wait for Mangetout’s input. :smiley:

Uh, even dumber question…how do I find TubaDiva’s email addy???

I’ll eagerly await your virtual $ 100 so I can finally buy me some of those virtual welcome cookies everyone else gets. :smiley:

I checked my name by doing a search, as you suggested, but I think that might not be foolproof if it were taken by a lurker with 0 posts. Maybe you could have a second choice ready and put that in your mail as well?

I did a search and it told me to do it again with a valid username, thus suggesting to me, at least, that there was nobody by that name. So I guess I’ll find out the hard way.

And duh-hey, I did a search for Tubadiva, too. Chalk it up to not enough coffee this morning. Need…more…coffee…

Just saw you put in another one…

The e-mail is in the cheque, uuh, faq, I think. But it is also listed on the Straight Dope Homepage, for submitting ThreadSpotting and Weird Earls.

Damn, another simulpost. I don’t think you need more coffee, you post quicker than I do and I’ve been up for seven hours already (being in Europe and all).

Correction - you can e-mail any of the administrators, not just TubaDiva. For name changes, it might not be a bad idea to e-mail all of the administrators - C K Dexter Haven, TubaDiva, Lynn Bodoni, Gaudere, Arnold Winkelried. I will be adding this to the FAQ.

Thanks, Arnold. I’ll leave it in TubaDiva’s capable hands right now; no point in duplicating effort.

But I ALWAYS need more coffee. :smiley:

Probably a stupid question, but if you change your username, does your registered date / post count reset?

As is customary, I have a suggestion for anyone looking to change their user name, but short of ideas.

(for men) The Man Under The Ice
[for ladies) Flying Viking Kitten
(unisex) A Handwashed Turkey

samarm: I changed my username. My registered date and post count were not affected.

Another way to find if a specific name is in use is described in the thread [:

Why, thank you, Mangetout. This thread wouldn’t have been complete without your input.

I don’t know about Flying Viking Kittens, but I was at a Viking funeral once; does that count?

Ooooo…love the new name. :slight_smile:

The Flying Viking kittens are a feature at

Did you really go to a Viking funeral? - I’d really be interested to hear about it (if you would care to relate the account in a MPSIMS thread perhaps?).