How can I convince my brother to join the SDMB?

So, I’ve been a member for 2.5 years. I’ve had quite a bit of ignorance squashed here. Now, I look at one of my brothers and see a lot of myself in him as I was a few years ago. He is the brilliant one in the family, but it seems that his common sense is a bit lacking. His interests include talking about religion, politics, and such.

I’ve talked to him about it, I’ve even gotten him to read a few threads. But he says he doesn’t want to put any of his theories in print, and he doesn’t want to have to look up cites for any of his assertions. I figure it’s because he doesn’t want anyone poking holes in his theory “which debunks everything everyone else believes in.”

What can I do to get him to come on over? Any ideas?

Tell him there are naked pictures of smart women, but he has to register to see them.

Tell him about the signing bonus.

Tell him about the toaster.

: whisperwhisper :

Oh, that is the other program.

Hang about near the schoolyard, and give away the first couple of hits for free. Soon your patrons will be hooked and…

Oh, sorry, that’s crack. I get it mixed up with the Dope sometimes.

Wave your wanger at him.

Tell him that if he doesn’t post, Giraffe will urinate on him.

Tell him if he doesn’t post, the Great and Dreaded Cthulhu will send Deep Ones to eat his children.

Kick him in the groin until he agrees to post. Remember to wear steel toed boots.
You’re welcome

Tell him to piss off, we’ve got them covered.

My question: why do you even want your brother to join the Dope? I’d die if a family member joined. They all know about this place and if they started paying attention to the dumb stuff people talk about here, maybe they wouldn’t be so accepting of my Dopefesting.

Tell him he doesn’t need any cites just post his “ultimate theory which debunks everything everyone else believes in tm” in any forum but great debates.

The pit would be highly amusing.

Just offhandedly say to him “You know the Dope Board I’ve been telling you about? Boy, you should hear the things they’re saying about you over there!” Let him pick it up from there!:slight_smile:

Mention the 70 virgins we all get in the afterlife.


Then it might surprise you when I tell you… I am your father, Kyla!

Because he has some ignorance that needs squashing. Besides, I don’t talk about anything on this board that I don’t talk about with him in real life.

Perhaps I should mention that he says he’s invented a mathematical proof which he says “proves evolution is complete bullshit.”

Lord Ashtar, tell him there are a lot of people here who would agree with him and would help him in his attempts to “convert” the rest of us.

Right. And be sure not to add a :wink: to it.

Oh, bring him here. We love people like him.

Also, tell him about the breasts.