How can you be my MySpace "Friend" if I have NO IDEA WHO YOU ARE?!

I don’t understand the concept of adding someone as a friend on Myspace without them knowing, at minimum WHO THE HELL YOU ARE.

I understand when people try to “Add” me on Myspace and they MESSAGE ME to tell me who they are and why they’re adding me. “Hi, I’m so-and-so, I’m a friend of so-and-so”, or “I stumbled on your page and thought so-and-so” is a fine way to introduce yourself.

HOWEVER, I now become intensely irate when people try to add me as a friend, and the only way I can discern who the hell they are is by looking at their page. And I’m of course still clueless as to who they are 95% of the time, and now I’ve wasted four fucking hours waiting for fucking MySpace to fucking load this person’s fucking page, which has been customized with a ridiculous neon background and an animated cursor and 4,500 other bits of aimless shit that takes three years to load.

Even worse is when I notice that the “Top 8” on this person’s page are all scantily-clad women. No, thank you, I am not interested in being your friend because I fit the bill of “reasonably attractive young woman”, which is apparently the only thing you look for in a “friend”.

If you don’t know someone, isn’t it customary to INTRODUCE YOURSELF before trying to be their FRIEND?!!!

Current google ads for the OP: “Teen Porn Addiction” and “Addiction treatment.”

You win the google ads contest.

The silver lining? Most of the people that pull this kind of crap with me, I don’t want to talk to anyways.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know that was you!”

Heh heh heh. Yes I did.

The worst are the people you don’t know that try to add you and you go to check out their profile to find that it’s set as “private”. WTF? I don’t know you and I can’t know you until I add you as a friend. DENY.

Another thing to note is that a lot of friend requests are attempts at marketing something – like a band or a webcam site or some make-money-fast pyramid sceme. Although I’d think the webcam/porn ones are more often targeted at guys.

One night when I was online there, I got something like 5 friend requests within the space of an hour. And WOW – they were all hot 20-something babes who wanted to be MY friend! Three of them had the same “About Me” blurb in their profile, same misspellings and all. Gosh, maybe they were sisters!

I’m so sick of these kinds of friggin bots on the web.

But if I don’t know who somebody is already, and I get a friend request but no accompanying e-mail, I’ll typically delete it straightaway. Although I check the profile (if visible) to see what the ploy is this time. (I had one where half of the profile was set as a link to a porn site.)

Not that I get lots of friend requests, since I’m just a guy, not an attractive female. I just get hit on by all the porn-bots…! :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think the web cam add requests are “targeted” to just guys. I have 5 MySpace pages, all very female-oriented, and have gotten that crap at all 5 pages.
I have a few add requests in my personal account that have been there for a while. I wrote them and asked them why they wanted to be on my Friends list, and I haven’t heard back from any of them. Instead of denying them, I’m just going to let them linger and expire. I do immediately deny anything blatantly spammish or someone with tens of thousands of Friends.

On the other hand, I maintin a musical artist’s MySpace page and I hate it when people let my add requests from her account linger. BUT, and this is important, I NEVER request adds from individuals or companies. I ONLY request adds from other musicians. I think musicians should know about and support each other, so I take it as a personal affront when a band/musician won’t accept add requests from other bands. It’s like a slap in the face, and I never go back to that musician’s page, even if I liked them a lot on first going to their page. Fuck them. At the risk of sounding like too much of an egotistical bitch, I have some influence over what a lot of people listen to (not on a national scale, and definitely not here at the Dope though, sigh), and if I like an artist/band, they’re going to get some attention in certain circles. Slap my face like that and I’m not going to give you the time of day in the future when you actually might want me to.

Of course, that only applies to unknown bands. Some big bands don’t accept add requests from bands, but they don’t affect me because I don’t generally request adds from bands with over 10,000 Friends. There are exceptions here and there, but generally.

On the other other hand, I accept add requests (at her account) from everyone who doesn’t look like a web cam spammer or if it looks like they’re using a Friend bot to request adds. I’m still innocent enough to believe that if someone is asking for an add request, they really like her and want her on their Friends list.

My sister-in-law has (checking…) 778 friends on MySpace as of right now. I wonder how she finds time to work since I guess she must spend a large part of each day approving MySpace friend applications.

There is a way to check them all at once, then approve (or deny) all. I don’t use it because I not only look at every profile, I copy and paste the information (user name and MySpace address) into a text file. It came in handy when my artist’s page was deleted a couple months ago (a technical error, I’m guessing) and I had to start re-building her Friends list from scratch. I had the list right there to work from. I even specify who sent me an add request to be on her Friends list, and the people I sent add requests to. I’m still not anywhere near where I was before, but it took me several months to build the list up the first time, so I feel no need to rush it this time.

Blatant hijack

What type of bands? I’m always looking for new music, especially more unknown bands. For example: I loved Jason Mraz before he was well known, with just him and a couple of guys backing him up.

This is no different than how ICQ works… this used to piss me off, with people suddenly appearing as “friends”, despite all the blockages that were in place to prevent this from happening.

What type of bands do I like or what type of band regarding my artist’s pages? I’m mainly into female vocalists, so that’s what I seek out most often. The type? My tastes are eclectic, but generally I like most of the artists mentioned in this thread. My artist’s page is mentioned in that thread.

It depends on what “level” you tend to work with on Myspace. Some people who have hundreds of “friends” don’t mind people blatantly inviting to be their friend. They’ll check out their profile, see if they like them, add them, and then they can talk later. Myspace is a networking site, so some people send messages first, some people send invites first.

I will say I’m pretty fed up with all these bands trying to be my friend. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love music and the local music scene, but its just…I don’t even have time to listen to alot of these bands. Usually I’ll go check their profile, and if they’re not from illinois or wisconsin, i’ll ignore the friend request.

I finally turned off band invites because I’d had too many come at me. Now I get lame messages from bands that have nothing to do with anything - my favorites are the ones that compare themselves to bands I like and then sound nothing like them (We noticed you like Depeche Mode, so maybe you’ll like our acapella jug band!).

Anymore, if you’re a band, you’re not going on my friends list unless I add you first.