What I don’t get is why do some people ask to be my friend even tho’ they have absolutely nothing in common with me? I get that some of these people are “models” just looking to get clicks on their webpage. Some aren’t tho. For instance; click the link below. This girl asked to be my friend.
She’s an attractive 18yo and I’m a 38yo with kids. Why is she making this request? This isn’t an isolated incident either. I get several similar request like this.
I’ve gotten a few of these. Sometimes I go ahead and accept them and then just forget about them unless they get annoying.
One that stood out, though, was a guy who friended me a couple of months ago. It was some Japanese guy I’d never heard of, but I though maybe he was a co-worker of somebody I knew or perhaps one of our clients, so I accepted him. A few days later I received a notice that he’d also friended an old classmate of mine who’s now semi-famous in Japan.
A couple of weeks later I hear my wife scream from the computer room. She’d been looking at my Facebook page and saw I was friends with this guy, who turned out to be a pretty well-known singer and pianist (he’s performed a few times in the big New Year’s Eve concert on TV here).
At this point I looked at just who else was on his friend list, and very quickly a pattern emerged. Almost everyone on his list (like 95%+) met the following criteria: A)located in Japan, and B)networked with either a top-level university or a top-level company. He was using Facebook as a free advertising strategy: he’s periodically post a video of one of his performances to his page, and Facebook would automatically send out a notice to the 400-odd people he’d selected as most likely to be well-connected.
Sneaky, but clever. I’d feel used except the guy’s a pretty good musician.
I’ve noticed that besides the random classmates I barely remember, the spam girls, the bands, and the tshirt makers, I sometimes get requests from people who know my friends. This happens especially through friends who are semi-well-known, mostly my friend Colin, aka Raven Digitalis. I’m not in his top 40 displayed on his profile, and he has something like 4500 MySpace friends, but I still get friends request that seem to have found me through him.
Hey, it’s your choice not to Friend her but you’re missing out on knowing someone who is friends with both “Ellie:) LovesFred.” and “BaybiiKirstyLovesRonnieBaybiieSoMuch…”