How can you reduce your sex drive?


Bromide rings a bell. I heard tell that the Czech army used mild tinctures of Bromide as a discrete dietary supplement for obvious reasons, not the least of which was keeping STDs under control.

Remember that Simpsons where the various parents are playing Pictionary an Flanders gets the answer of “cornstarch”, then says that it is “Good for keeping down the urges”?

Isn’t that a little extreme?

One less distraction, perhaps?

Thanks for all the yuks folks, sorry I couldn’t reply earlier.

  • SexyWriter*

Did you ever see The Adventures of Baron Munchausen? Robin Williams plays the king of the moon or something and has a detachable head. Whenever his head manages to escape he is free to think great thoughts but eventially is body catches him and reattaches. He becomes a slobbering sex maniac again.

My partner will sometimes go away for a month or more on business and I thought it would be cool to have something to suppress the old urges during that time.
It sounds like Bromide is the likely candidate so far. Can you get it over the counter? Does it have any side effects?

Careful, bromide is a mild poison. It has a general effect on the central nervous system. At levels high enough to knock your sex life it will lots of unwanted effects. Here are some bromide toxicity indicators.


  1. Confusion

  2. Irritability

  3. Muscular tremors

  4. Memory loss

  5. Acne eruptions on face and hands (1 to 5 % of subjects)

  6. Anexoria

  7. Emaciation

  8. Headache

  9. Slurred speech

  10. Delusions

  11. Psychotic behavior

  12. Loss of muscular coordination (especially in limbs)

  13. Ataxia

  14. Stupor

  15. Coma

  16. Nausea

  17. Vomiting

  18. Abdominal pain

  19. Coma

  20. Paralysis

(from, talking about possible poisoning from a gulf war chemical)

Wedding cake seems to work on females.

Okay, Bromide is out. Seems marriage and kids or old age are the only alternatives. Although I was looking for something painless and non-permanent. :slight_smile:

Graham Crackers and Corn Flakes.

Telemark seriously?

That’s why I don’t want to get married Balduran, I don’t want to give up sex.

Huh, handy and here I thought you screen name meant you already had :wink: .

Re-reading, I notice that Maud’Dib also has heard of some corn connection. From the gospel no less.

The music of Barbara Streisand takes the starch out of Bosda’s little willie.

The Horror! The Horror! :eek:

Not true. There are several SSRI’s–along with other psychotropic and Rx meds–that can decrease libido–sometimes significantly.

Repeat this mantra:

Oozing with pus…oozing with pus…

Hehe… I am reminded of a fake commercial at the end of “You Don’t Know Jack!” that would beg to differ.

From my own experience, I could get hard…not a problem. The problem was actually finishing the job. Those things give you staying power!

I find that having sex every morning and night cuts down my sex drive during the day.

Both Graham crackers (invented by Dr Graham) and Corn Flakes (by Mr Kellogg) were developed with the intention of reducing the sex drive. Rent “The Road to Wellville” someday.