How cover nose ring for soccer?

umm, may I raise my hand and suggest something?
Maybe we can all be adults here for a minute, and talk about taking responsibility.

Instead of asking how to hide the ring and break the rules, how about using this opportunity to teach the kid how to obey the rules?

Several posts have mentioned the safety issue, but then brushed it aside and suggested how to cover the ring anyway, or how to “make it through soccer season without the piercing closing up.” As if the piercing is more important than the law.

Well, maybe safety is the important thing after all? And maybe the rules are there for a good reason?

And maybe a school girl should to learn to make her own choices, and live with the results. Good parenting would be explaining to her that she can have the piercing, or have a soccer team.

Growing up is about learning to be a good,responsible person.

(and yes, I am an old fart.
I think piercings look okay… in National Geographic articles about cannibals in Borneo.
Now get off my lawn)

Well, I am a soccer ref and basically it’s up to satisfying the ref that the piercing is not an undue danger to yourself and others. Many refs, including me, will allow the wearing of rings or stud earrings if you tape over them. I’m not a nose ring expert, but I imagine stud nose rings would be the same; I’d probably have to examine a nose screw or hoop and make a judgment call.

That’s no guarantee any particular ref would rule the same way, though. Some you just won’t be able to satisfy with anything less than removal, so she should be prepared for that as a possibility.

Thank you for that brilliant, useful insight.

I think a low profile stud might do the trick. She should speak to the league officials about it, and show them the stud she is thinking of wearing.

The decision is theirs, of course.


I like nostril piercings, actually. I prefer to see a discreet stud on young women. I think it’s sexy (I am a straight chick, BTW).

Generally, piercings aren’t permanent, and if a young person wants to individualize that way, it’s probably cool. I don’t even count nostrils as facial piercings (probably due to a perceived cultural thing). I certainly don’t see them in the same ballpark as a ring in your eyebrow or lower lip.

YMMV, as always.

I agree. Please accept my oversight and apology.

As a soccer player of many years I can’t visualize allowing any piercing’s above the neck. IMO a headshot is an accident waiting to happen. But glasses represent a similar problem. I’ve had stitches just above the eye from plastic shards. Naval piercings are probably safe

I honestly don’t know how soccer associations deal with jewelry hazards beyond what could harm another player. In a litigious society there is always the prospect of a group being sued over individual choice.

As a soccer coach, I make my boys remove all jewellery for their own safety. At 12 years old, they don’t have much beyond charity wrist bands and watches. For this girl, it’s a safety issue concerning her face - my God, you do NOT want that catching on anything and being ripped out. If it is a small flat stud, it should be okay when covered with a bandaid. If it’s a ring, she’s going to risk more problems of things catch on it. See the club president or who ever runs that gig.

I never used to see people with nose piercings, now I see them everywhere. I wouldn’t get one myself, but I’m most certainly not one to judge on strange piercings, though I only have two piercings above the neck (ear lobes, used to have upper ear as well but that’s closed).