How did I miss this? Guitar Hero: Rock the 80s

So I was flipping through the semi-weekly ad flyer that the mailman keeps dropping off, and came across a page for a local GameStop. At the bottom, they had some upcoming games ready for pre-order, and my eyes were caught by this. The tracks (at least what’s been announced so far) is included here

Apparently, my finger has strayed from the pulse of the gaming world. I had caught some preview information for GH3, but this “expansion” came as a complete surprise. And I’ve often commented “you know, these songs are fun, but I’d really like to rock out to some more 80s hair band songs…” And here it is. :slight_smile:

The only thing I’m worried about is the price, which looks to be on par with what GH and GH2 sold for. On the one hand, it’s an “expansion” (nothing really new in features / gameplay beyond GH2). On the other, it’s all new songs, which is what I’d be looking at more anyway. Plus, the songs need licensing, which probably bumps the cost of production anyway. Maybe I’ll just rent it for a few days and see how much the song list grabs me before shelling out for my own copy.

I got it on pre-order so I can get the free T-shirt, 2 day shipping, and mostly so I can rock out to 18 & Life.

If you ask me, the song list sucks. There’s a few good songs there, but almost none of the great guitar songs of the 80’s. Where’s the Stevie Ray Vaughan? “Pride and Joy”, “Cold Shot”, “Taxman”, the list goes on. You can’t have an 80’s guitar soundtrack without some Stevie Ray.

No Van Halen? That’s just ridiculous. No Pink Floyd? No Guns N’ Roses? You could put five tracks from “Appetite for Destruction” alone in the list of great guitar songs of the 80’s. No U2? “Beat it” from Michael Jackson would have been great. No Metallica, no Dire Straits, no Rush, no Queen, no Journey, no REM, no Tom Petty, no INXS, no Cars, no Bowie, no Heart…

IN fact, the list of songs that they’ve released so far doesn’t have a single song on it that I’d consider a real classic guitar track. It’s full of second-rate hair bands like Ratt and Poison. The Go-Go’s? What the hell are the Go-Go’s doing in a rock guitar game? A Flock of Seagulls?

I’m very disappointed in the track list. That said, I’ll buy it the day it comes out, because I’ve got a major guitar hero monkey on my back, and I’m getting tired of most the current songs.

What I’m really waiting for now is Rock Band. In fact, I wonder if the lame track list from GH Rocks the 80’s is because Harmonix and MTV have already locked up the good ones.

There’s been buzz on many game forums since early this year about it. The official confirmation only came out a month to 6 weeks ago if I’m remembering correctly.

My wife, who plays a total of three video games (Guitar Hero I and II and Dr Mario) actually pre-ordered this one. She’s a big fan of every hair metal band that’s ever existed and probably won’t let me play until at least a week after it’s out.

That’s precisely the only song on that list I’d buy it for.

Police Truck? How in the world did that make it onto this game? It’s as suprising to me as Killing in the Name of and Laid to Rest from GH2. Those lyrics are pretty harsh.

Love that song though.

And who do you get to do Biafras voice on that cover? He’s got one of the most distinctive voices in music this side of Getty Lee.

Anyone wanna explain the appeal of Guitar Hero to me? One of my roommates plays it incessantly. And by that, I mean he’s either a)playing Guitar Hero, b)watching seinfeld, c) bathing, or d)sleeping. Even when he’s doing school work this guy has Seinfeld on in the background!

From the first time the game came out, I harbored some doubt about the game, but that has only crystallized over the past few weeks. I’m really trying not to trounce it outright…but it’s getting tougher as my irritation with the game builds. I’d have no problem if the guy was just really into music and played a regular guitar frequently, but Guitar Hero is an entirely different story. Seriously, why would anyone want to play Guitar Hero (and I say that not to be demeaning, but out of genuine curiosity), when you could play a regular guitar? Starter guitars aren’t too expensive these days, and it’s so much more rewarding to play a song you like yourself, rather than play DDR with your fingers. You can even play along with the recorded track, if you like!

Someone wanna give me a different perspective here?

Because a regular guitar doesn’t have 5 buttons and an easy setting?

I’ve been playing for 13 years now and I couldn’t play alot of the songs on GH even if I tried, but I can enjoy them on the game.

Hm…Well, you made me think of something. I guess it comes down to a matter of perspective. I prefer holding an actual guitar and having to struggle for a while to pick up a song. When I do finally get it, I feel quite proud of myself. I guess there are people out there who don’t get the same reaction.

We do but why would you do that in a room full of friends who don’t want to listen to you struggle through a song they probably don’t even like?

Probably the same reason you’d click away on a plastic guitar in a room full of friends who don’t want to listen to you blaring a song they probably don’t like.

My personal opinion is that a regular guitar would be less obnoxious than the video game form.

You obviously haven’t spent any time around a person who is just starting to play guitar. Or try to play anyway.

Why play wiffle ball when you can play baseball?

Why play with a nerf football when you can play with a real one?

Why shoot a bb gun when you can go to the range and shoot a real one?

The answer:

Because it’s easy, fast fun for people who, wait for it…, don’t have any interest in spending years learning how to play guitar.

hobscrk777, real guitar takes hours and hours of practice. People like me with a job, family, and other responsibilities do not have the time or desire to learn to play real guitar. But, I can pick up GH for a couple of hours a week and enjoy the illusion. Isn’t that what video games are for?

I don’t understand why “real” guitarists feel the need to enter GH threads and put it down. If you want to play guitar, good for you. Enjoy yourself.

I enjoy playing golf. I don’t care if someone who never has picked up a golf club would rather play Tiger Woods Golf. To each his own.

Yecch, the supposedly classic hair bands that are included were considered crappy wannabes even back in the day \m/ \m/

Accept? Skid Row? Winger?

The nods to actual good ones, like the Scorpions and Iron Maiden, pick some of their most bland and uninteresting songs. The inclusion of a single lone synth-wave song from Oingo Boingo makes the list look even more dysfunctional.

(was really hoping to thrash around to “Blackout” or “Hot for Teacher” in my living room)

Only a Lad is on there? Sweet! Although, really, No Spill Blood would have been a much finer choice for this particular game.

Personally, I was hoping for some Devo. Girl You Want would have worked nicely, I think. Actually, pretty much any song off of Freedom of Choice would have been good. Hmph.

Wtf, that list is terrible.

There’s nothing at all wrong with Accept. And Skid Row has some good songs too. I don’t mind the Scorps song, but I wish they would habe put in the Maiden song, The Trooper, they have on the 360.

They could have found a better Krokus song though. There’s one that has a great solo in it, but I can’t remember it off the top of my head. I don’t know if I should be pissed about Radar Love though. I love Golden Earring so I’m happy it’s there, but they had to use the White Lion version since they did it in the 80s. I hope it’s not too different.

They should have done some Def Leppard.