Ok, so I’m suffering from morbid curiousity. Does anyone happen to know? (Of course I am referring to Siegel of Cantor & Siegel infamy).
Not meaning to sound like a smartass, but–what makes you think she’s dead? Looks to me like her 15 minutes was up and she went away. Google is giving me nothin’ newer than about 1998.
From 1994.
I even tried spelling it both ways, “Siegel” and “Seigel” and “Canter” and “Cantor”. No dice.
Well, I heard it somewhere so It Must Be True.
But right now I did a google search and found this:
Well, then, you’re one factoid up on me.
Absolutely no clue how she died, but I did check Snopes, before, and they weren’t there, and there aren’t a bunch of conspiracy theory websites about her, so it must’ve been completely normal.
So to speak…
I was also wondering what did her in. I had the misfortune of working for her and Cantor in the beginning of their infamous “immigration spamming” days in Phoenix, AZ. One thing is probable: Seigel died alone and miserable. Besides being the worse half of a duo of crooks who took advatage of and ripped of countless foreigners trying to obtain Visas to the U.S. (and not just via their “greencard spam”), Siegel was an absolutely evil individual. We can all rest in peace now—
I spent time with Martha throughout 1999 as she attempted to begin an internet clothing business that she intended to name I-Fashion. I know she was under great financial stress, relying on a member of her family for support. She was being forced to sell her home, a condominium in Scottsdale. She was healthy, but appeared to be under great emotional distress and did not seem to have close friends. I lost contact with her at the start of the year 2000, but fear that her passing later that year might well be a culmination of those pressures.